Chapter 14

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Her life had settled into a predictable routine over the years. After finishing her work for the day, she would wander down the walkway, stopping frequently to speak with servants and even some fairies and Immortals as they walked by as she made her way to what was now referred to as the Peach Grove.

The Elder servant Gua had taken over the residence since it was actually considered a desirable property . Although she spoke with the trees per Annchi's request, she did not plant them and her connection to them was adequate, but not enough to produce the demand of the Realm.

She walked among them, touching each trunk as she passed, greeting them warmly before sitting next to the farthest tree on the small parcel.

"So, what shall we talk about today, hmm? Your leaves look very pretty. Very green and healthy. I'm proud of you. Thank you for producing such wonderful fruit," she said as she touched the bark and stared up toward the branches. Blossoms had sprouted since the last time she visited. Before that, the harvested fruit was sweet, but the flesh was hard. Not soft and full of juice like the original peaches these trees were born from.

Tree after tree, she sat and talked, praising them for their generosity and commenting on their beauty.

"This is what you do when you're not working?" she could hear behind her, the scent of peach blossoms mixing with something...a scent that she could never quite understand. It was stronger now. Each time he was near, it seemed to float around him. Not a bad scent, just not something she experienced with anyone else in this Realm.

Runyu stood at the edge of the grove, watching the light breeze lift her hair, the small pink blossoms a backdrop to a lovely scene.

She was wearing her pink uniform, and for many years, he allowed it. Only because of the scars and her comment about the fabric of his own Palace servants. It was his one and only concession.

"No other servant wears a color, I'll stand out," she had said, as she looked at the folded pile in her hands.

"You stand out anyway," he said so softly, she almost didn't hear it. Her eyes had snapped to his, connecting in an almost physical sense. Her lips parted as she stared up at him, speechless.

She had watched his gentle expression change after a few blinks, hardening into one that she was more familiar with.

"It's your big mouth," he had said before clasping his hands behind him and wandering away.

Looking at her now, he knew that to be a half-truth. Yes, they sniped at each other every time they were in each other's presence, usually leaving him with a smile on his face when she wasn't looking.

She was an oddity in this Realm, but one that all seemed to embrace. He could lie to himself and say he was not included in that group, but unfortunately, he knew better.

"You have no work to do?" he asked as he stepped closer.

"Don't you?" she asked, raising her eyes to the pale pink canopy above.

His fists tightened at his sides before relaxing after a deep breath.

"You're talking to trees," he stated as he took a few more steps.

"They like that. They produce much better fruit when they are appreciated," she responded without looking at him.

"What about that one?" he asked, indicating a lone tree near the edge of the property. It was small, not nearly as full of foliage and blossoms.

"That cherry tree is fickle. It does what it wants no matter how I treat it," she answered sullenly. "It's kind of a brat," she added with a quirk of her lips.

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