Chapter 9

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"This is my favorite place in the whole Realm," he said, biting into his peach and not bothering to collect the juice running down his chin.

"Mine too," Annchi agreed, looking around her charming space.

Days had turned into weeks, weeks stretched into months and years and her small outcropping had become a place of real beauty and peaceful tranquility.

Thick, green grass covered every surface the rocks did not inhabit, grape vines grew near her home, a smattering of young, fragrant peach and cherry trees formed a small orchard near the far side of the parcel. Flowers sprouted up from pots and between the rocks, vines trailing down as a lush backdrop. 

"Would you like to play another game?" Annchi asked as Dan Zhu looked down at her homemade Go board.

"No. You beat me every time. It's no fun anymore. I liked it better when you were ignorant," he said.

"I have no one else to play with. You only lose because you are distracted. Yanyou cheats and the other servants don't play."

"There are a few Elders that play well, I suppose I could introduce you, but then they will take your time away from me," he said with a playful pout. "Runyu is by far the best player in this Realm, but I believe any match between the two of you would end up in a fist-fight," he added.

"You're probably right," she agreed with a smile. 

Although, he seemed to be determined to keep his distance since the incident at the pond.  On the few occasions when she did see him, he looked through her as if she didn't exist. Gone was the man who performed a few acts of kindness and in his place was the cold, indifferent, aloof Emperor that the entire Realm was more familiar with. It had been many months since she saw him last, and she counted it as a blessing. 

"So tell me what has you distracted tonight?" she asked, holding up the small bottle of peach wine she made weeks ago, one of many lining the shelves of her home.

Dan Zhu readily held his small cup out.

"Li Wang and Chunhua."

"Not them again! Why have you not given up on them?" she asked as she poured.

"They are meant for each other."

"They can't stand the sight of each other!" she countered.

"That's why they must be together," Dan Zhu started. "If they were indifferent to each other, then I would give up readily.  But, since they seem to have such a passionate dislike for one another, I feel like there is something there. Like I can take that passion and turn it into something romantic."

"Hmm," she considered. "I see your logic, but are you not busy enough making matches in the Mortal Realm that you should expend so much effort in this Realm?"

"Oh. Mortals are easy. Matches in the Heavenly Realm are so much more challenging and fun," Dan Zhu remarked. 

"I understand," she stated before her eyes brightened. "Tell me what you've tried. Perhaps I can offer some suggestion," she said.

"You? The most unromantic person in all of the Six Realms?" he quipped.

"I am a practical person. I may be immune to romance, but you said I was smart," she responded directly. "A smart person can look at the situation as an unbiased outsider. I may pick up on something that was missed. You never know until you try," she added with a sly smile.

"Very well," he started. "I have tricked them several times. I have invited them both over for dinner and one will leave as soon as it is clear the other one was invited. That didn't work. I sent her a hair comb with a note that it was from an admirer and him a bottle of wine with a note also. Neither one seemed inclined to follow up. I lured them both to the Mortal Realm to be in the same place at the same time and they ignored each other. I'm at my wit's end. They are just not cooperating," he said with a pronounced frown.

White Empress, Ashes of Love SequelWhere stories live. Discover now