Chapter 25

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"Keep the hood up," he commanded as they stood a small distance from the river.

"I can't. It hides my eyes and I can't see where I'm going," she complained. 

"Well then, allow me to change your appearance."

"You tried! I can't help that I reject your magic. There's nothing I can do!"

"Try again," he ordered.

"I told you. Transforming my appearance is nothing I'm adept at. The incantation only lasts for a few seconds and I'm back to this," she said, attempting to pull the hood back before his hands stopped her. 

"Keep the hood up, we don't need any unwanted attention," he stated.

"Oh! Yes, and wandering around a Realm with a giant hood over my head won't cause anyone to look twice. It's like announcing to everyone I have something to hide!" she exclaimed.

"It's better than -" he started, but stopped himself.

"Better than what? Revealing my true hideousness?" she finished for him.

"Did I say that?" he snapped. 

"No, but it was implied."

Amazing that only hours ago they were locked in a passionate embrace, and now...they were back to bickering, he thought in amusement. His fingers traced the side of her face lightly before his hand was grasped and pulled away.

"Chi-ya," he said softly before her head gave a quick shake.

"No' Chi-ya'. No endearments!" she scolded.

"You can call me Runyu. Or Yu-a," he said with a teasing smirk, ignoring her sudden glare.

"No," she stated resolutely, taking a step back. 

A loud, agitated breath burst from his now scowling mouth.

"We'll see," he said before turning toward the river. "Come," he stated, walking toward the swirling black water. A green glow wafted up from the turbulent waves, like a fog hiding the land beyond.

As soon as his feet hit the wooden dock, he turned when it appeared he was alone.

Annchi stood in the same place, her eyes studying the water behind him.

"What is it?" he asked, suddenly concerned by her somber expression.

"I don't know. I feel like I've been here before," she answered.

"What do you remember?" he asked, watching her eyes scan the vast expanse of water behind him.

"A feeling," she murmured absently. "Soul draining, complete despair. Overwhelming sadness. It makes my heart hurt," she said, clutching the fabric at her chest.

"Mine too," he stated under his breath, the memories of his battle with Xufeng still fresh in his mind. "I said I would never step foot inside the Demon Realm ever again, and yet, here I am."

"Will you not disguise yourself? You don't think the people here will recognize you?"

"They might. It's bad enough I am coming here unannounced. I have a strained relationship with this Realm even after hundreds of years, but then again, the Demon and Heavenly Realms have always been mistrustful of each other," he said quietly. "That battle made it worse, but I have made amends. Our peace is very delicate. I don't wish to deceive, I am only here for you."

Lapping water became louder as something appeared through the bright green haze; a single hunched figure propelling a boat with a long stick materialized before her eyes. Annchi's gaze widened for a moment as she stared, recalling the slightest hint of a memory. 

White Empress, Ashes of Love SequelWhere stories live. Discover now