Chapter 18

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"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Annchi answered directly, her eyes focused on the bowls of food on the tray below her.

"But he eats less and less. He must be starving!" the cook exclaimed, a worried look upon his face.

"He is not, I assure you. He is just mindful of the waste. He wants smaller portions. This is too much, give it to someone else," she stated, removing half of the bowls and setting them on the table.

"But -"

"It looks delicious. Someone will appreciate it far more than the Emperor, I assure you," she said as she picked up the notably lighter tray and turned.

It smelled wonderful, she thought as she walked down the corridor, the aroma of fresh fish and vegetables wafting through the air from the steaming bowl. She looked down, contemplating eating it herself. It was such a shame to throw away something so well prepared.

For all she knew, it might be full of poison, but it smelled so good...

"Annchi!" she heard an almost breathless male voice, causing her to look up and view one of the gate guards approaching. She recognized him instantly.

"You have a visitor," he added, coming to a stop before her.

Her eyes darted around quickly to assure they were alone before looking at him.

"The Great Floral Fairy?" she whispered.

"No. This woman says she's your sister," he whispered back.

"Xiu!" she exclaimed before clamping her lips closed and looking around once again.

"Where is she?"

"At the foot of the steps past the gate," he responded.

"Hmm," she thought out loud. The Emperor was currently with his Generals near the training field but would be back soon to receive his daily visitors.

She would have to hurry.

"Let me put this down. I'll be there shortly," she stated with an excited smile.

Her feet flew toward his rooms, her mind completely absorbed by the possible reasons for a visit.

She set the tray on the nearest table and ran toward the corridor, down the steps and into the courtyard, never stopping until she encountered the guards at the gate.

"Go. But be quick. He's due to come back soon," the guard stated with a conspiring wink.

She didn't need to ask whom he was referring to.

She grabbed both sides of her uniform and pulled the fabric up enough so her feet wouldn't trip as she ran down the stairs, mindless of the countless greetings she received on the way.

Xiu-a was here!

How did she get here? Was her family healthy? Did she come with a message of forgiveness? Why would she come here? She thought excitedly as her feet bounded from step to step her breath coming in short, sharp pants as she descended.

It was her! It really was! She could see a figure at the bottom platform, her dull, brownish gown and simple hair revealed beyond the wispy clouds.

"Xiu-a!" she yelled out.

"Chi-ya!" she yelled back, clapping her hands and bouncing as she waited.

As soon as she reached her, they clasped hands and smiled warmly at each other before Annchi folded her into a tight hug.

"Oh, I've missed you," she breathed out.

"I've missed you too!" Xiu answered.

"Why are you here? How did you get here? Is everything all right? How are Mother and Father? How are you?" she asked in rapid succession as she pulled back, clasping her sister's hands and gazing at her fondly.

White Empress, Ashes of Love SequelWhere stories live. Discover now