Chapter 26

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"Cold fire dragon? What is that?" Annchi asked before sharing a quick look with the Emperor.

"I don't know. I have only heard this, I never saw it," he said with a small shrug of his hunched shoulders.

Runyu's eyes were firmly attached to her profile, at least the mystery as to why he could sense her was revealed. They were both dragons, no wonder there was a bond...

She was also a member of the royal family. The wings, the previous scars on her back, the fine pattern of removed scales, the diamond had to be true. Which meant...

He could marry her.

The thought caused him to sit up straight on the bench, his eyes darting around, a fine thread of awareness crept up his spine as his eyes returned to her.

She was staring intently at the Elder.

"Does the name 'Bai Long' mean anything to you?"

A small gasped intake of air sounded from the old man. "How do you...where have you heard this name?" he asked, his eyes widening at the mention.

"It's a long story," she replied, taking in his reaction. "Do you recall the name?" she asked.

"Bai Long the Merciful," he murmured.

"That doesn't sound so bad," she said almost to herself.

"Oh, no. It only meant that she never wounded. Only killed. And it was a sure, swift death," he stated, causing a grimace to mar her features.

"That's...not so good," she muttered dejectedly.

"She became a legend, a myth over time. The name Bai Long was used by parents to keep errant, disobedient children in check. I can't tell you how many times my Mother would tell me Bai Long would come for me in my sleep if I didn't behave."

"What? That's awful!" she exclaimed.

"Who is Bai Long?" Runyu asked as he grasped her arm. "Where did you hear this name?" he said under his breath.

"I..." she started, "I'll tell you later," she directed at him in a soft voice before turning her attention back to the Elder.

"Can you tell me anything more about her?" she asked.

"I remember they also called her the White Empress, although, she never did marry the Heavenly Emperor. It is rumored he killed his first wife to marry her, but she did not wish to marry, her ambition was to sit alone on the throne, at least that's what I recall," he said.

His eyes shifted to gaze beyond her shoulder. "It is said that she was held captive for a thousand years because of her scheming. Can you imagine? It is also said that she cultivated her primordial spirit into a weapon during that time, which as everyone knows, is extremely forbidden. She became incredibly powerful, vengeful, insane, they say, before she escaped."

"What did she do?" she asked, leaning in expectantly.

"Nóngchǎng Province is flat, perfect for farming," he said with a wistful expression.

"What does that have to do -" she started.

"It wasn't always like that. It is said that the land was full of hills, crystal caves, waterfalls, cliffs filled with flowers, trees, gleaming marble buildings...all gone. She did that. She wiped out an entire landscape in her rage. And took her own people with it."

"That's...impossible," she breathed out, her body weakening in response to his words.

"Most Immortals master some form of elemental magic. It is said she mastered them all. Wind, Water, Land, Lightening, everything. Coupled with blind fury and insanity, I suppose it is not impossible to think she could do such a thing," he said.

White Empress, Ashes of Love SequelWhere stories live. Discover now