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okay that might be a lie.

Did Fred and I's argument ruin the rest of my night?


Alright it was less than okay,

but that's okay.

Enzo, Xilo, and Lyra ended up getting really drunk leaving me sober and sad. 

Which lead to me waking up early and having to walk down to the great hall for breakfast, alone, on Christmas morning.

"wake up on the wrong side of the bed Scamander?" Adrian joked sitting down beside me,

"morning Adrian" I mumbled picking at my fruit with my fork,

"morning to you too, why are you all frowny" he asked confused grabbing a strawberry off my plate and popping it into hi mouth,

"just, stuff" I shrugged putting my fork down and my eyes involuntarily glanced at the gryffinfor table and I made eye contact with Fred who had been already staring at me, great.

"did you argue with Fred?" Adrian asked following my gaze and I sighed,

"something like that. and now I have no date to the yule ball"

"well it's your lucky day" he said with a smile and I raised an eyebrow at him,

"no not because of that-because I don't have one either" he said rolling his eyes at my expression,

"I thought you were going with a Hufflepuff?"

"yeah he said he wasn't ready to come out and I respect that" he shrugged looking over to the Hufflepuff table,

"so? Will you go with me?" he asked and I hesitated,

"I don't know Adrian..." I sighed rubbing my eyes,

"come on give me one good reason why not"


"Fred can sod off" he said interrupting me and I sighed,

"we're going as friends as I promise" he insisted and I thought about it,

"fine" I mumbled and he smiled widely,

"great, I'll see you later" he said excitedly leaving me alone with my thoughts once again.

I asked Fred for time, for stupid time. I don't want time, I want to be with my boyfriend on Christmas.

Yes what he said did hit me like a brick. The thought of Fred not trusting me with other guys made me want to scream at him until my lungs gave out.

But I've never felt what I feel for him for anyone else, and I hate myself for it.

I hate the way I feel when I kiss him, how I feel when he touches me. How I feel when I'm with him. It's all a new uncomfortable sensation that I'm getting used to.

I looked up again but instead of making eye contact with me, Fred was talking to Ava, who I hadn't even noticed sit down beside him.

Unlike him, I trusted Fred, who I didn't trust was the half-veela who might as well be sitting in his lap. Being part veela from my mum I could recognize when someone had veela heritage in them, unlike my mum who's only half leaving me quarter part, Ava was either fully a veela or her heritage was just extremely strong.

"do I need to talk some sense into Fred?" Angelina asked sitting down beside me,

"yeah do we need to talk some sense into him?" Pansy asked sitting down, Draco, Blaise and Theo plopping down on either side of her and I raised my eyebrows at Draco,

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