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"HEY YOU GOOD?" Fred asked walking out of the bathroom and walking over to his dresser grabbing a pair of boxers, slipping them on.

"yeah" I replied pulling the blanket to my bare chest and sitting up straight,

"hey Fred have you seen Mara? Her friends—woah okay uh" George stammered bursting into the room instantly covering his eyes as I clutched the blanket,

"forgot how to knock George?" Fred asked sarcastically as George peeked through his fingers at Fred,

"guess you guys made up?" he teased mostly Fred who looked like he was five seconds away from smacking George,

"no i'm just naked for fun" I smiled sarcastically,

"valid" he shrugged and I rolled my eyes, "yes we made up"

"right well, uhm, are you guys gonna come have dinner?"

"yeah in a bit" Fred replied,

"okay, see you then" he said leaving the dorm and I flopped onto my back, I do not want to get out of bed.

"come on I'm hungry" Fred said throwing my bra and underwear onto the bed and I groaned sitting back up and putting my bra on before standing up and pulling my underwear on,

"where's my dress?" I asked looking around on the floor and under the bed,

"on the chair" he said pulling a different pair of black jeans on along with a belt, I grabbed my dress off the chair and slipped it on, trying to straighten it a bit with my hands.

Once we were both changed we left his dorm and made our way to the great hall,

"hey I'll see you later yeah?" I said to Fred when I noticed Adrian calling me over,

"hm? okay, i'll see you later" he said noticing where I was looking and giving me a quick kiss before walking to the Gryffindor table.

I walked up to Adrian who was sitting with Pansy, Blaise, Draco and Theo and gave them a smile sitting down.

"how come you lot are sitting together?" I asked, they rarely ever did.

"we're trying to figure out who he's dating" Theo grumbled and I laughed at all of their annoyance,

"do you know who?" Pansy asked hopefully,

"unfortunately I do not, although I'd love to find out" I teased and Adrian groaned,

"they won't leave me alone about it bloody hell" he said running his hands down his face,

"here's an idea, tell us who" Draco said rolling his eyes and Adrian scowled,

"it's not just my decision dickhead"

"wanker" Draco retorted under his breath and I rolled my eyes at their behavior,

"you're awfully quiet" I said to Blaise who looked deep in thought,

"well from what we know, he's a sixth year Hufflepuff boy. Now we just narrow it down to who would be willing to date Adrian"

"that sounded like an insult—I am very dateable thank you very much" Adrian pouted and I paused to think about it, not a lot of names came to mind I had no idea who it was.

"hey guys" A voice interrupted our bickering and we all stared up at Cedric Diggory, Adrian was as red as the strawberries on his plate and my mouth fell open.

"hey Cedric" I said with a smile and Blaise and Theo greeted him while Draco nodded and Pansy smiled,

"yeah hey Cedric what are you doing here?" Adrian said trying not to stammer over his words and Cedric scratched the back of his neck,

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 ⋆ 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐃 ⋆ 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now