× D I A G O N A L L Y ×

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"GOOD MORNING MUM" I said with a smile as I sat down for breakfast, she smiled back and placed a plate full of eggs and fruits.

"your hogwarts letter arrived this morning, we can go to diagon ally today if you want" she asked sitting down across from me with her own plate.

"alright I don't mind" I shrugged eating some of my fruit.

"I've invited Molly and her sons over for dinner tomorrow"

I choked on the strawberry in my throat and started to cough.

"you're so over dramatic Mara" she said shaking her head.

"why are you inviting them?" I whined drinking water. She rolled her eyes at me and placed her fork down.

"because Molly is my friend Mara"

"you have other friends" I mumbled picking at my fruits with my fork.

"oh come on Mara, she's only bringing her twins and Charlie. Aren't you in the same year as them? and Charlie is a dragon trainer!" she exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"why just them three?"

"her youngest two are busy with the potter boy and the muggle born" she explained I sighed dramatically.

"fine" I grumbled shoving some of the scrambled eggs in my mouth as she smiled satisfied.

"Lorenzo, Lyra, and their mothers are invited as well"

"yeah like those crazy women will step foot near a Weasley" I mumbled under my breath, unlike my own mother Lorenzo and Lyra's mums still very much believe in all the pureblood mania. Being a Lestrange by marriage lorenzo's mum took a lot of pride in being a pureblood, along with Mrs. Black Lyra's mum.

"Mara don't be rude" she said and I rolled my eyes, again,

"if not that they'll probably already be drunk by brunch don't kid yourself mumsy" I said bitterly and she just sighed knowing I was right.

After breakfast she told me to get ready so I made my way through the manor and up the stairs to my room. My mum had managed to keep the fortune she was supposed to be given before she became a 'disgrace' by marrying a half blood, my father. If you can even call him that.

The self absorbed sociopath wasn't around anymore, can't say it didn't hurt as a ten year old having your father tell you that you just weren't worth him staying, not that he was a brilliant dad but it wouldn't have hurt to have him in my life. My mum doesn't speak much of him.

As awful as it sounds I know they never truly loved each other. Mum's family caused a lot of problems for them. I don't blame either of them for falling out of love, it's life, it happens. Although I believe my mum's heart always belonged to someone else, even when she was with my dad. My mum doesn't speak of her life before she got married, claims that some things are better not to be spoken of.

She didn't speak much of a lot of things, like how she wish her brother Lucius would talk to her. She tells me that she and him were close as kids but grew out of it when he started believing in the pureblood superiority complex and she well, didn't.

His son draco wasn't much different either, he absolutely hated the fact that I looked like a malfoy, with my identical platinum blonde hair and Grey eyes. He makes sure to let everyone know him and I are barely cousins, don't get me wrong I make sure everyone knows him and I are just cousins too, he's bloody intolerable.

I got ready quickly and did my makeup. I pet nova my owl whom my grandfather bought me my first year, slightly scratching her black feathers, her big eyes looked up at me and I placed a little kiss on her head.

We used the floo network to get there and my mum decided to start with getting my books that were necessary for my 6th year. As soon as we walked in I felt the air fill with tension and I noticed Lucius.

"Aurora" he spoke calmly with a nod and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Lucius" she replied in the same tone and I could tell she was just as confused,

"how is everything?" he said slowly.

"brilliant, you?" she replied crossing her arms over her chest.

"good, and you mara? I hear you're doing well in your classes"

"she's doing great at school Lucius what's it to you?" mum spat harshly not giving me a chance to reply to him.

"It's nothing to me, just-do take care of yourself Aurora" he spoke lowly as his eyes lowered to my mum's left arm and I felt her tense up, now I was even more confused.

"y-you too" she stuttered before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from him.

she quickly payed for my books and we left the shop.

"You can go walk around, and when you see Lorenzo and Lyra tell them I say hello" she said handing me some money in case I wanted to buy anything.

"mum what was all of that about?" I asked looking at her, her whole face was twisted in confusion and worry.

"nothing you need to worry about dear" she spoke softly before placing a kiss on my forehead reassuringly,

"alright" I replied hesitatannly still not convinced before biding her goodbye and walking away.

"Enzo!" I said with a smile basically trampling the boy. He laughed hugging me back.

"you act like we don't see each other every other day" he teased with a smile and I pouted pulling away.

"you're mean" I frowned as he laughed again.

"no hug for me?" Lyra spoke up from behind us and I turned to her with a smile,

"oh hush" I said pulling her into a hug as well.

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both lorenzo and lyra's mums are lestranges and Blacks by marrige. lorenzos mum is not bellatrix, her name is cora. Lyra's dad is sirius's brother (obviously not regulus) his name is Orion black. They're both only childern.

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