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Some time later. The day of third task. (tw-death)

"ILL BE RIGHT BACK" I say to Fred who nodded at me and I walked up to Harry who seemed like he was about to pass out. "i'd ask if you're okay but I think enough people have asked you that today, Good luck okay? and please, please just be safe" I spoke softly pulling him into a hug and he said nothing as he hugged back me tightly,

He gives me a small smile, "Thank you Mara"

"No need to thank me" I smiled back before squeezing his arm one more time before deciding to go talk to Cedric as well.

"Hello boys" I grinned at Cedric and Adrian who both smiled at me, "hey Mara, I was just giving my boyfriend some Good luck kisses" Adrian smirked as Cedric blushed and I laughed,

"I think i'll stick to Good luck hugs" I said as I hugged Cedric, "Be safe yeah? I still need to beat you at Quidditch as Captain next year" I teased and he let out a breath of amusement as Adrian grinned, "In your dreams Scammander" Cedric says as he pokes my side and Adrian and I bid him Goodbye and go back to the stands.

Adrian and I join Fred and the others as the task is about to begin, they let Harry and Cedric in first before the other two and i suddenly feel worry wash over me. "Are you okay?" Fred asks, his arm snaking around my waist and I hum in response as I lean into him,

"Just nervous"

The task went on for a while more before a red flare was shot into the sky, I felt my heart drop and gripped Adrian's hand who was shaking.

"it's fleur, she forfeited" Adrian and I both let out a breath of relief.

It wasn't long until the Crowd burst into cheers when Harry and Cedric showed up.

I felt absolute dread wash over me as my eyes absorbed the scene in front of me and my hands flew to Adrian involuntarily, "Adrian—Fuck don't look—"

My nerves are frozen as I grip onto Adrian who seems to have slowly realized that Harry is sobbing over Cedric's limp body, I think Fred is speaking to me but I can't hear him over the blood rushing in my ears.

Adrian takes a step forward and I let him, letting the death grip i had on him go. "harry! harry!" dumbeldore said trying to pry harry off Cedric, it isn't until Adrian reaches Harry and Cedric that it clicks in my head and i push through the people to get to Adrian.

"no! no!" harry cried out holding on to Cedric,

"he's back! he's back! voldemort is back" he sobbed holding Cedric, Adrian is staring at Cedric and Harry with not a single speck of emotion on his face, he doesn't try to approach either of them and he doesn't move when I hold his hand.

"Cedric! he asked me to bring his body back, I couldn't leave him, not there" harry continued to cry, I felt my self control slip when I heard it, "that's my son! that's my boy!" Mr diggory cried out, the tears finally making their way down my face.

he dropped down to his knees and sobbed over his son, his son who was dead, Cedric diggory was dead.

"Adrian—" I sniffled, finally turning to Adrian and I tried not to let out a sob at the look on his face. Harry was pulled off of Cedric and taken away but I didn't have it in me to look at him anymore. Adrian let go of my hand and dropped to his knees at Cedric's head looking down at him, he mumbled something and I frown as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Adrian come on—hey Adrian let's go" I try to talk to him but it's almost as if all of his senses have been turned off. He can't see hear or feel anything other than Cedric. I feel the the sky begin to spin when Fred pushed himself against me, keeping me upright.

"shh it's okay, i'm here it's okay" He whispered into my hair, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Adrian—He needs to get up—he shouldn't have to see this" I somehow manage to get out before my eyes meet Cedric's lifeless ones and a sob rips through my chest.

"Adrian—please, I'm begging you, please get up" I drop to my knees beside him, Adrian allows me to grab his arm and I go to tell Fred to grab his other arm when I realize Fred is already doing it. Adrian lowers his head and places a kiss on Cedric's forehead before whispering something against his skin and finally letting himself fall against me. Fred and I pull him to his feet and try to push our way through the crowd.

We somehow make it to the Ravenclaw common room and to my dorm room and Adrian still hasn't uttered a single word. "I'm really sorry" Fred said softly, pulling Adrian into a short hug before leaving. Adrian and I sat down and he finally looked at me and I felt my heart break when silent tears began to stream down his face. "I never got to say I love you"

"Oh Adrian" I said gently, pulling him into my chest, "I'm so sorry, i'm so so so sorry" I whispered into his hair as he cried.


"Today we acknowledge....a really terrible loss...." Dumbeldore begins, the air heavy in the great hall, sitting at the Ravenclaw table, holding both Lyra and Enzo's hands. Fred and Adrian at their own tables.

".... cedric diggory was, as you all know.... "

"In your dreams Scammander"

".... exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair minded... "

"I never got to say I love you"

"... and most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend... "

".... I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died... "

".. you see, cedric diggory was murdered.. "

"he's back, voldemort is back"

".... by lord voldemort.. "

"cedric he asked me to bring his body back"

"... the ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this..."

"I couldn't leave him, not there"

"...but to not do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory... "

The weight on my chest increases as his speech continues and my shoulder sag with it.

"... now, the pain we feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different tounges, our hearts beat as one.." he Paused slightly,

"... in light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever" he said looking around,

"remember that, and Cedric Diggory would not have died in vain. you remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind, and honest. and brave and true, right to the very end"

 and brave and true, right to the very end"

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this was so 🙁
and so it begins my childern

also! happy new years ❤️❤️

-heba 🫶🏼

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