× R E L A T I O N S H I P ×

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''HELLO MARA" FRED SAID GREETING ME, sitting down across from me at the Ravenclaw table, I had a free period that I was spending studying, and I told him I wanted to talk to him.

"oh hey Fred" I said not really looking up from the assignment I was writing.

"you wanted to talk to me?" he asked grabbing the quill out of my hand causing it to smudge the word I was writing.

"yeah and I'm starting to regret my decision to do so" I sneered sending him a glare, which he responded to with an innocent smile.

"so? what did you want to talk about?" 

"well, I-uh- I wanted to talk about our, erm-"

"our snog?" he asked with a cheeky grin and I gave him a look.

"yes I-"

"what about it?" he asked interrupting me, I took a deep breath and he smirked,

"frustrating innit?" he said referring to me when I kept interrupting him a few days ago,

"piss off" I mumbled and he laughed,

"right then, did you enjoy it?"

"Merlin's sake Fred-"

"answer my question"


"answer me or I'm leaving" he said seriously and I raised my eyebrows,

"you wouldn't-" I started but paused as he got up,

"blimey, alright! I enjoyed it-just sit down" I said rolling my eyes and he sat down again.

"okay you can continue now" he said with a grin,

"right, well, I wanted to say that, erm-"

"how about I do the talking yeah?" he asked softly and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Fred I'm not ready for a relationship" I blurted and his expression dropped,


"don't get me wrong, I do like you I-I didn't just kiss you for no reason" I explained frantically,

"then?" he asked confused,

"I-I've never really-uhm, been in a relationship" I mumbled,

"o-oh?" he said still slightly confused,

"but I still want to spend more time with you" I said reassuring him,

"right then, I can work with that" he said nodding and I sighed in relief,

"some 7th year managed to get fire whiskey so the 7th years are holding some sort of party that's 5th years and up"

"and?" I asked,

"I'm asking you if you want to hangout, at a gryfinndor common room party, tonight" he explained trying not to laugh.


"so?" he asked and I furrowed my eyebrows,

"so what?" I replied confused and raised his eyebrows in amusement,

"so, is that a yes?"

"oh-of course yeah" I replied quickly realizing what he meant and he smiled,

"Enzo, Lyra and Xilo are invited as well if they want to come" he contiuned,


"see you tonight" he said getting up and making his way to the gryffindor table,

"see you" I mumbled under my breath watching him leave.


"do you guys think I made the wrong decision?" I asked Enzo, Lyra and Xilo as we made our way through the halls,

"if you truly aren't ready for a relationship than you did the right thing, don't worry mars" Enzo said wrapping his arm around my shoulders, I sighed and wrapped my own arm around his waist, I noticed Xilo about to say something when he bumped into a 6th year slytherin.

"watch where you're going you filthy half-breed" Aiden Flint jeered at Xilo as his pathetic friends laughed, and I felt Enzo instantly tense up, Lyra grabbed his arm knowing he could pounce at any given moment.

"watch your mouth Flint" I spat stepping away looking up at the fellow quidditch captain.

"little Scamander to the rescue? do you honestly need her to defend you off the pitch as well?" he mocked looking at me then looking at Xilo who was currently standing there silently with a hard glare on his face,

"cat got your tongue Lynnwood? or should I say dog"

That's when Enzo almost made it out of Lyra's grip but was stopped by Xilo and I,

"walk away Flint, now" Enzo sneered his nostrils flaring and jaw clenching as he struggled against Lyra, Xilo, and I's grip.  

Aiden looked us up and down one more time before him and his friends walked away,

"slimey git" I mumbled under my breath and Xilo stormed off,

"I-I'll go talk to him" Enzo mumbled jogging off in Xilo's direction.

Lyra and I shared a look before continuing our way to the great hall for dinner

lol next chapter kinda spicy :) also I love reading the comments please leave more!

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lol next chapter kinda spicy :) also I love reading the comments please leave more!

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