× S H O T G U N ×

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WE TRIED OUR BEST to leave the common room as quiet as possible.

"where do we go now?" I whispered trying not to wake the paintings, looking up at him as we stood in the empty cold hallway.

"you'll see" he replied with a cheeky grin intertwining our hands and pulling me through the hall.

"where are we going-" I asked as he continued to pull me,

"I'm not going to sit on the snow it's fucking cold Frederick" I snarled as he laughed pulling me through the halls and out the castle on to the snowy land,

"Fred I'm being serious!" I whined trying to dig my feet into the floor-which did nothing,

"Mara I'll literally carry you over my shoulder" he said pulling on my arm harder and I groaned letting him,

"but it's so cold" I continued to whine as we walked to the black lake I'm assuming.

"I'll keep you warm" he teased winking at me,

"oh piss off" I laughed looking at him as he laughed.

"right here we are, sit" he said as we stopped by the lake under a tree,

"I hate you" I mumbled sitting down beside him taking a hit from the joint,

"no you don't" he said wrapping his arm around me pulling me into his chest his tobacco scented cologne instantly clouding my thoughts.

"merlin the moon is so pretty" I gasped looking up at the moon.

Freds pov

"merlin the moon is so pretty" she gasped looking up at the moon and I watched her instead and how fucking ethereal her moonlit face looked.

"Fred look!" she whined turning to me and pointing up,

"I'd rather look at you" I replied with a cheeky grin and watched as her cheeks grew redder then they already were due to the cold.

"you're such a flirt bloody hell" she mumbled under her breath looking back up at the moon,

"yeah but I'm your flirt" I teased taking the joint from her fingers and she smiled still looking up at the moon.

"can we lay down?" she asked turning to me,

"yeah why not" I shrugged and we shuffled away from the tree and laid down looking up at the sky.

"could you imagine telling 14 year old Mara and Fred they'd be together in the future?" she said laughing and I joined in imagining the scenario.

"you'd get so fucking mad I just know it-I'd laugh" I said a matter of factly pulling the joint up to my lips inhaling.

"I wasn't that angry fuck off" she laughed acting to be offended,

"Mara I would literally leave the match with more bruises from you than the bloody bludger"

"no you did not!" she said looking at me and I laughed,

"I sure did. you would take out whatever frustration you had from exams or just life in quidditch-or me most or the time"

"you're such an over exaggerator" she gasped in disbelief.

"oh and the one time George and I pranked you and the Ravenclaw team? I couldn't walk for days"

"fuck off you deserved that, we all had ginger hair for a week"

"yeah? and what's wrong with having ginger hair?" I said acting offended and she giggled,

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