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WAKING UP I FELT fucking horrible-my mouth tasted awful and my head felt like it was going to explode, not to mention the fact I was awake way before I needed to be.

On the other hand,

Fred and I were in the same position we fell asleep in.

I smiled at how beautiful he looked with the sun rays dancing on his face and chest.

"why are you awake?" he mumbled his eyes still closed, moving his hand from off his chest to my bare thigh that was around him.

"I don't know" I replied tracing the freckles on his chest.

"that tickles" he whispered,

"sorry" I giggled slightly, stopping my fingers to look up at him.

"you look so pretty in the sun" I mumbled watching his eyes flutter open and he smiled his ears turning a light shade of red as we fell into a comfortable silence.

"are Lyra and George still asleep?" he spoke up after a few moments.

"no they got up and left a while ago" I replied and watched as a grin grew on his lips,

"good" he muttered running his hand up my thigh and I let out a yelp as he turned us so that his body was between my legs, he went to kiss me and I turned my head.

"Fred-morning breath" I breathed out and he annoyedly placed a kiss on my cheek instead,

"you're annoying" he mumbled snuggling his head into the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself and placed a hand on the back of his neck, the other draped over his shoulders.

"you smell good" he mumbled into my neck tickling me,

"thank you" I chuckled rubbing his neck.

"does your head hurt?" I asked and he nodded,

"if you'd get off I could get us both something for our headaches-"

"no don't get up" he whined and I rolled my eyes,

"not like I can Fred" I said sarcastically.

I raised my hand from his neck into his hair and scratched his head slightly,

"Fred I need to get up at some point we have an exam tomorrow-" I said and he let out a dramatic groan,

"it's the last exam we have before winter break" I continued,

"it's potions you're great at potions" he mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"I still need to study-can we at least just get up and brush our teeth?-I forgot to take my make up off last night as well, we can sit in bed after"

"in a little, I'm comfortable" he said squeezing my thigh slightly.

"can you scratch my back?" he mumbled and I laughed,

"you're such a big baby" I teased scratching his upper back.

"did you enjoy your birthday?" he asked rubbing his nose against my cheek,

"yeah it was really fun, thank you"

"can you get off now?" I asked and I could literally feel him roll his eyes.

He stood up with a huff and gave me his hand that I grabbed gladly,

"come on" I smiled pulling him into the bathroom, I bent down to look into the cupboard under the sink. I grabbed a brand new tooth brush and stood up.

"here you go-seriously?" I asked watching him put toothpaste on his finger.

"sorry" he mumbled smiling sheepishly beginning to brush his teeth and I bit back a laugh.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 ⋆ 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐃 ⋆ 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now