× B I R T H D A Y ×

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"MARA WAKE UP" Lyra said shaking me,

"what do you want-" I said groggily trying to get her to stop,

"it's your birthday!" she said and I let out a groan.

"alright I'm up-just stop shaking me for godric's sake" I muttered getting out of bed.

"come on we have things to do" she rushed throwing clothes at me.

"blimey okay-alright" I stammered catching the clothes, I took my shirt off while still half asleep and slipped on what she threw which happened to be a royal blue sweater I stole from Fred.

"just because you're now 17 doesn't mean you have to move like an old lady!" she whined and I tried not to laugh as I took my shorts off and put the black jeans on. 

I did my hair and makeup quickly considering she was about to have a tantrum.

"alright get your boots on" she said tossing my black boots along with a pair of socks near my feet and I sat down pulling them on.

"we're 5 minutes late!" she groaned pulling me out of the dorm.

"to what? breakfast?" I asked sarcastically trying not to trip down the stairs.

"ah she's finally decided to grace us with her presence" Enzo teased as Lyra and I walked up to him and Xilo who were surrounded by the quidditch team.

"what did you lot do" I groaned looking at all of their smirking expressions as Xilo handed me a package.

"I wonder what it is" I said sarcastically considering the wrapping made it obvious it was a new broom. I had broken mine last game of the season last year and my mum never bought me one considering she knew there was no quidditch this year.

"I told them to me wrap it but no!" Lyra mumbled angrily and we all tried not to laugh at her annoyed expression. 

"I love it thank you" I gasped as I unwrapped the black Nimbus 2001 and noticed M.M.S engraved on the side. I hugged all of them and Cho volunteered to take it to my dorm for me since Lyra had already dragged me half way out the common room by the time I finished hugging everyone.

"Lyra breakfast isn't going to run away" I whined as she pulled Enzo, Xilo and I through the halls and to the great hall.

"faster we eat the faster we can start our fun day" Lyra said and I smiled as we sat down and she filled my plate with food.

My eyes met with Fred's and he sent me a smile which I returned, I was about to start eating when Nova flew in and dropped a few letters for me,

"anything interesting?" Xilo asked as I looked through the letters,

"letter from my mum, letter from my grandparents and a letter from my-father?" I said the last part in a hushed tone, extremely confused.

"what?" Enzo snarled and I ignored him setting the other two letters down and ripping open the black envelope.

Dear Mara,

Happy 17th birthday, I hope this finds you well,

You are now an adult and as my daughter it's time for you to inherit the vault I opened for you when you were born. Your mother doesn't know about this I'm sure she also has some sort of savings for you but this is just from me.


Kai Scammander. 

I pulled out the gringotts key and held it tightly not really knowing how I'm supposed to react.

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