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"BLOODY HELL I DID NOT MISS SCHOOL" I grumbled shoving past the younger students who were acting like they haven't seen their friends in decades. "Get a fucking room" I spat at two forth years swapping saliva in the middle of the hallway, both of them looking at me with wide eyes before practically running away.

"Stop being a cock block" Fred scolded as he slid his arm around my shoulders, the glare that was sent his way was enough to shut him up and have him put his arms up in defense.

"Come on it's our first day back why are you already grumpy" Fred poked my side and I huffed, "Everything and everyone is just fucking pissing me off, at least I have the decency of snogging my boyfriend in a classroom"

After everything that happened with Kai I ended up telling my Mum and Ben everything, they comforted me the best they could and I could tell my Mum was on the verge of driving to his house and arguing with him herself. Keldon and I have not spoken yet and he spent his breakfast at the slytherin table with hunter.

"Speaking of snogging in classrooms" the glint of mischief in his voice makes me sigh as I feel him pull me towards a classroom we both know is empty right now. "I have class you horrible influence"

"it's the first day no one will notice" he murmurs pressing his lips to my neck as his hands dance along my uniform, more specifically under my uniform.

His lips finally meet mine and my hands instantly find themselves in his hair, his thumbs caressing the band of my underwear under my skirt. He grabs my waist and hoists me up onto a table, pushing himself between my thighs pressing himself against me. I must've been so distracted by his tongue down my throat that I didn't notice the door open, in stumbling Cedric with Adrian's tongue down his own throat.

I push Fred away and cough to get the two boys' attention, both of them flew apart and only relaxed when they realized it was us. "This is...I can't even make a joke" Fred says helping me down and we all laugh.

"it's okay we'll leave" I reassured them, "Thanks guys" Cedric says with cheeks red enough to match Fred's sweater,

"have fun" I teased poking Adrian on my way out who just grabbed Cedric in response and kissed him even harder than a moment ago.


"Has Keldon spoken to you at all today?" I ask Lyra, Enzo, and Xilo as I sit down at the ravenclaw table to have dinner. "We barely said hi to each other" Xilo replied first,

"I haven't even seen him all day" Lyra said as she poured herself more water,

"I did see him but neither of us attempted to talk to the other" Enzo responded once he had finished chewing what he was eating. I hummed in response and began looking around at the food to decide what I wanted to eat.

"I have a feeling this is him giving you time, I think he assumed you wouldn't want to talk to him" Lyra stated and I tried my best not to steer my anger towards her,

"well that's fucking stupid" I said simply and Enzo snorted as Lyra sighed and Xilo said nothing. I grabbed some garlic bread and began eating it when I spotted Keldon walk into the Great hall, our eyes meeting for a split second before he turned and made his way to the slytherin table. I felt my expression shift into a scowl and I shoved the remaining of the garlic bread into my mouth before grabbing my bag and getting up.

I practically stomped my way to the slytherin table towards Keldon who was sitting with Cedric, Adrian, Hunter, Draco, Blaise and Theo, pansy missing from the group. "Hello boys" I smiled sarcastically before looking at Keldon, who's entire posture filled with dread.

"Keldon! how was your break? i haven't seen you all day, it's almost like you've been avoiding me or something" I continued the sarcasm in my tone, crossing my hands over my chest as I stared at Keldon who looked like he could piss his pants.

"Come on Mara don't make a scene" Draco sighed as he ate his shitty green apple and I did not resist the urge to discreetly give him the finger, Keldon wordlessly grabbed his things and stood up, "okay okay I get it let's just leave already" He mumbles walking past me and I don't bid the rest goodbye who have been staring at me like I just kicked a stray puppy.

We exist the Great hall and make our way through the halls until we reached the ravenclaw common room and he stares at me for a moment before looking around the common room that was filled with younger and older students, "My dorm or yours?" He asks and I silently walk past him towards the girl's dorms only because I knew it would be empty.

I unlock the door and toss my bag onto my bed and sit beside it, my back against the headboard, he sits across from me at the foot of my bed and watches me as I reach into my bedside table and pull out the pack of cigarettes I 'borrowed' from Enzo along with a hot pink lighter that i actually bought. I offer him one with an ash tray and he takes both, waiting for me to light mine before taking the lighter from me. "I'm not furious, if that's why you were avoiding me all day" I said, inhaling deeply.

He exhales and runs his hand through his hair looking around the room before looking at me again. "It's less of that and more of I don't even know where the fuck to start"

I take my shoes off and sit facing him more, "You could start with 'hey Mara, I'm sorry I never told you my step father is actually your real father who abandoned you when you were a kid', but hey what do i know? i've never lied to my friends"

He gives me a look of 'no fucking shit' before tapping his cigarette on the side of the ash tray, "hey Mara, I'm sorry I never told you my step father was your actual father who abandoned you when you were a kid, I didn't tell you because he fucking begged me not to. Not to mention how was I even supposed to bring it up? oh yeah, your father who you haven't seen since fucking forever is my step father? and i've been keeping it a secret since we've met? I'm not sorry for not telling you, I'm just sorry you found out the way you did"

I almost laugh, almost. I say nothing as I watch him, we both smoke in silence for a good few moments before he speaks up again. "I came home my first day here and instantly asked him about it, when he explained everything I told him I couldn't keep something like that from you if we became friends and he said, and I quote, 'for her sake, don't tell her i'm back' whatever the fuck that means. He's not perfect, I know that but I have no one else Mara, My mother didn't have any siblings and her parents were dead long before I was born. The moment I turn eighteen i'm going to be my own guardian but until then I'm sorry that i've put you in this shit position"

I stare at him for a solid second before blinking hard a few times, Merlin I didn't even try to think of this from his perspective. "I'm sorry Keldon—Fuck i didn't even think about any of that" I sighed, pausing for a moment before continuing, "I was just so blindly angry at him you know? but I shouldn't have held it against you, and I don't. none of this is your fault"

"it's fine—obviously it's fine fuck i hate having fights with my friends" He groans and I laugh lightly, "Me too Keldon, me too"

 hellooooooi know this is a short ass chapter but the chapter after this should be out soon after i publish this, i'm not publishing this until i'm at least half way through writing the next chapter

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i know this is a short ass chapter but the chapter after this should be out soon after i publish this, i'm not publishing this until i'm at least half way through writing the next chapter. big plot point coming up guys are we excited 🤗

- heba 🤍

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