× M I D D L E N A M E ×

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I ENDED UP making it for the last 10 minutes of dinner and I took a seat between Keldon and Lyra, at the ravenclaw table out of breath from trying to get their on time, 

no one really said anything, but everyone's attention was instantly on me, waiting for me to talk.

"so?" Xilo finally broke the silence and I shrugged,

"I went to his dorm and explained everything, he understood and we closed the conversation" I lied and I could feel Enzo and Lyra's eyes on me, I ignored their gaze and just hoped they believed me.


"Fred stop shuffling your feet!" I scolded him and he raised his hands in defense,

"what are we doing here again? it's six am" Fred whisper asked as I dragged him through the empty halls,

"we're sneaking up to the astronomy tower to watch the sunrise Fredrick, merlin this is the fifth time I tell you" 

"yeah yeah" he mumbled and I rolled my eyes,

"Mara Lilith Scamander did you just roll your eyes at me?" he gasped dramatically placing his hand over his chest in fake offence,

"I regret telling you my middle name" I murmured with a sigh and he laughed,

"it's very pretty, like you" he teased and I had to refrain from rolling my eyes again,

"mhm, come on we're going to miss it" I said as we made our way up the stairs to the tower, we stepped onto the top and I smiled at the different colors as they began to fill the sky, I stepped away from Fred and sat down where I had a clear view of the sun rising from behind the water and mountains and Fred joined me, sitting beside me.

"okay definitely worth it" he said watching the sky and I smiled to myself,

"what's your middle name?" I suddenly blurted and he laughed at my sudden question.

"I just realized I didn't know" I said mostly to myself,

"it's Gideon. Fred Gideon Weasley, after mum's twin brother. Georges' is Fabien, the other twin brother obviously" he explained wrapping his arm around my shoulders,

"what about you? why did your parents choose Lilith?"

"well, they choose Mara because in Greek it means 'eternally beautiful', my dad chose it, he studied Greek and spoke it fluently. said I was the most beautiful baby girl he'd ever seen" I said with a scoff and Fred remained silent waiting for me to continue, 

"mum loved it, she read more into the name and if it had any different meanings, found out that in Hinduism, Mara is the name of the goddess of death. So when it came to choosing my middle name, mum choose Lilith not only because I was the first girl born to the Scamander blood line-"

"-Lilith was the first woman, creative" Fred said in realization and I hummed in response, 

"she also choose it because in the bible, Yes, Lilith is supposedly a demon, but only because she refused to submit to Adam's authority. It's like she was setting me up to be a feminist from the moment I was born" I joked and he smiled,

"anyways, it might seem like a lot but both of my parents had only wanted one child so they went all out with my name, my dad used to say that with a name like mine and the history behind I could do anything I wanted" I said the last part a little quieter, remembering when my dad didn't hate everything, including me.

"I'm guessing your dad wasn't always a dick?" Fred questioned softly and I shook my head no, looking ahead at the clouds,

"I was daddy's girl, mum would never admit but she always jealous. then their own relationship went downhill and so did my dad's and I"

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