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THE NEXT FEW weeks had gone by quickly, hunter ended up apologizing to George and they weren't necessarily best friends now but they got along for Keldon's sake.

"Adrian you asked me to help you study" I whined throwing my pen at him, it hit his chest startling him and I sighed,

"sorry I zoned out" he mumbled rubbing his eyes,

"clearly" I snapped and he bit his lip not replying,

"sorry I'm just really stressed about the exam" I sighed running my hands down my face,

"it's okay i'm sorry too, you're right I asked for help" he apologized sitting up straight,

"right let's take a short break" I decided setting my book down, we were sitting in the Slytherin common room,

"how are you and Cedric?" I asked tugging on the sleeves on my—Fred's sweater, it was always cold in the Slytherin common room.

"we're great actually, he introduced me to his friends the other day, they all seem to like me" he shrugged setting his own book down too,

"have you introduced him to your friends?"

"I mean they all obviously know each other, but yeah I did get the chance to introduce him as my boyfriend. How are you and Fred? I haven't seen him in a while"

"I actually haven't talked to him all week probably, I've just been so busy with exams and between that and all the assignments I have I've probably only talked to him in class" I realized and sighed again, great I feel bad now.

"i'm sure he understands don't worry about it—you can go see him now I don't mind cutting our study session short" he suggested,

"are you sure? you really don't need to—"

"no honestly it's okay, I can ask Ced for help. Go take a break from school" he insisted and I thanked him grabbing my things and giving him a hug before walking out of the Slytherin common room.

I basically ran to the Gryffindor common room, I hadn't even realizedI hadn't seen Fred in so long and now that I have all I want is a hug. I spoke the password and walked in, my eyes instantly searching the room for him,

"hey Mara!" Angelina smiled from one of the couches and I smiled back,

"hey Angie have you seen Freddie?" I asked hopefully considering he wasn't in the common room,

"you just missed him actually, he said he was going to clear his mind. He's probably by the lake" she replied and I furrowed my eyebrows, clear his mind?


"yup" she replied,

"okay thanks i'll see you around" I said bidding her goodbye and leaving the common room.

I stopped by my dorm quickly to drop my bag off and made my way to the lake, I spotted Fred sitting against a tree with a book in his hands and I raised my eyebrows in amusement at his expression,

"why are you about to murder your book?" I asked playfully, sitting down beside him,

"sorry I've just been reading this page for the last fifteen minutes and it won't register into my head" he muttered closing the potions book and setting it on the grass beside him before running his hands down his face and turning to me.

"hey angel" he smiled softly, his hand reaching up and cupping my jaw, pulling me into a short kiss,

"I've missed you, i'm sorry I've been so busy" I mumbled and he pulled me into his chest I draped my arm on his torso, his cologne instantly filling my mind,

"it's alright i've had my hands full too I don't blame you"

I couldn't help my close my eyes against his chest, he was wearing one of the hand knitted sweaters by Molly and it was just so soft,

"are you sleeping on me angel?" Fred teased and I laughed lightly, pulling away slightly to look up at him.

"you're just very comfortable it's not my fault"

"guess it's mums fault yeah?" he joked as I put my head against his chest again, I could feel his faint heartbeat and I smiled to myself closing my eyes with a hum.

"she really likes you by the way" Fred spoke up softly and my eyes snapped open but I stayed quiet,

"she's really happy with George and I for being with you and Lyra, none of our brothers know but she said you two are, 'very lovely' and perfect for boys like us" he said, the last part coming out a bit more harshly and I frowned, still not saying anything just yet.

"feels like the only thing she's proud of these days" he chuckled bitterly and I pulled away from his chest fully to sit up, my eyes meeting his watering ones,

"freddie..." I sighed, I knew something was up the moment Angie said he was out here alone, "are you okay?"

"no" he sniffled his hands coming up to instantly wipe the few tears that managed to fall, and I felt my gut twist with hurt, I pushed myself slightly between his legs and wrapping my arms around his neck pulling his head into my chest,

"it's already so hard to try and to fucking fail, let alone knowing the fact she's practically at my throat every time she sends a letter asking about stupid tests, she doesn't get it" he cried into my chest his arms tightly around me and I stayed quiet pressing my lips to the top of his head in a kiss, scratching the top of his head lightly.

"I love her I really do, fucking of course I do she's my mother but bloody hell it's so tiring. and it's literally not even that hard I just can't get the information to stick in my head and I can't—fuck" Fred hiccuped, his arms tightening even more around me, I could feel my shirt getting wet and it hurt my heart so much,

"Freddie—angel it's okay, I'll help you. I'm so sorry I haven't been here for you, and i'm so sorry about your mum. You and George don't deserve that at all, I promise i'll help you pass then you'll graduate and do whatever the hell you want to okay?" I assured him pulling back a little as he released his grip on me and looked up at me with rosy cheeks and red eyes, I tucked his hair behind his ears and held his face pressing a kiss to his forehead,

"okay?" I asked again softly and he nodded with a sniff,



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