× C L O S E T ×

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"SO YOUR PLAN IS TO DRINK AND PARTY THE SUMMER AWAY?" I ask Adrian who had pulled on black washed out jeans, with an oversized white muscle tee, showing the arrangement of skulls and snaked recently tattooed on his upper ribs, along with black leather boots that probably cost more than my entire outfit.

( just a reminder that Adrian and Cedric were dating, and yk, Cedric died)

"Yeah pretty much" he replies, continuing to apply eyeliner. Him and I have been sleeping over at each other's houses over the past few weeks of summer. Fred and the others have been coming in between but I'm the only one who can and is willing to keep up with his partying habits. We've been going to different parties held by his Slytherin friends, and sneaking into different clubs. Todays party was being held by Hunter so Keldon, Fred, George and the others were coming.

"Are you ready?" He asked, eyeing my outfit, I had on blue flare jeans with a black skin tight t shirt tucked into my pants. Thankfully Adrian and I are the same shoe size so I stole one of his many black combat boots. I walked around the room and grabbed my things, shoving a lighter and lipgloss in my front pocket, and my wallet in my back pocket. "Yeah I am"

Adrian did the same grabbing his own things and we left his house. Hunter's house was pretty close considering they live in the same neighborhood so we decided to walk, he pulls out his pack of cigarettes and offers me one. I wordlessly take it and place it between my lips, letting him light it.

"I'm assuming this is Hunters house" I joke as we approach an extravagant three story house with loud music playing. We walk in and are instantly met with smoke, Hunter spots us immediately and comes over, joint in mouth, beer bottle in hand, hugging Adrian then me. "Come on the others are in the living room"

We push past the crowd of people and make our way to the living room. Enzo, Lyra, George, Keldon, Xilo, and Fred we're taking up most of the living room, all of them either smoking or with a drink in hand. Hunter, Adrian and I said hi to everyone and I sat down practically in Fred's lap, sitting on his right but putting my legs on his legs, while Adrian sat down between Fred to his left and a few other slytherins we knew, Faith, Noah, and Oscar. I smiled as I realized he was wearing the leather jacket I gifted him, along with a plain red shirt under and black baggy jeans 

"hello my beautiful boyfriend" I smiled as I put my hand on his chest, looking up at him.

"hello my beautiful girlfriend" he grinned, kissing me before pulling away as Hunter started talking. "Everyone get tipsy so we can get this shit started" He announced, handing out closed beer bottles and I gladly grabbed one. I handed it to Fred who pulled his keys out and used his bottle opener keychain to pop the cap off, he did the same for a bottle Hunter gave him and we both took a sip.

I turned to my right to see Enzo pulling out a pack of his cigarettes and I smiled sheepishly as he offered one wordlessly knowing I was going to ask. "You really should invest in buying your own packs. I'm spending too much money on you"

"and you dare to say I'm your 'best' friend" I pouted, feigning hurt and he rolled his eyes as I put the cigarette between my lips and wait for him to light it. I turned to Fred again once it was lit and watched him talk to Keldon. Him and George had cut their hair and while I missed the long hair terribly, I wasn't completely against the new cut, The new style displaying his neck beautifully.

We all drank and smoked for at least another hour before someone suggested we do something other than just sit. I had finished a beer and was halfway through my second, while Fred had finished two and was halfway through his third, making us both tipsy. "What about spin the bottle?" Faith, one of the few other slytherins sitting with us, said.

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 ⋆ 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐃 ⋆ 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now