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"MUM I'M GOING TO BE FINE!" I whined trying to get out of the death grip my mother called a hug, she pulled away with teary eyes and looked down at me.

"I know... I'll just miss you around the house" she said sadly and I frowned, I knew it was hard for her being alone for months. She pulled away and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

I bid her goodbye and made my way onto the train trying to find Lyra and Lorenzo. I was trying to look into the different compartments and managed to bump into someone.

"are you blind?" Fred retorted mocking me and and I pushed him slightly rolling my eyes.

"very funny" I mumbled trying to get past him.

"you missed Lorenzo and lyra by the way, they're there" he said pointing to a compartment I just walked by.

"no I just checked that one"

"go on, look." he said and I furrowed my eyebrows and walked towards it, and surely enough Lorenzo was sitting with a book in his hands and Lyra across from him in the compartment.

"but I-"

"see you at hogwarts" he said with a grin walking away and I rolled my eyes entering the compartment and sitting beside Lyra.


"no quidditch? what do you bloody mean no quidditch?" Lyra scoffed as dumbeldore was talking about the triwizard tournament.

"you can't cancel quidditch!" I scoffed and Lorenzo bit his lips trying not to laugh.

"dumbeldore just announced our school is going to be hosting the triwizard tournament for the first time in years and you two thinking about quidditch?"

"of course we are! quidditch is very important. And I only have two years left as captain I don't want a bloody tournament" I grumbled crossing my hands over my chest. Lyra went to agree when Enzo spoke again.

"shh the French school are walking in" he said hushing us trying to see the girls who just pranced in,

After Beauxbatons walked in durmstrang was next and I gasped as I noticed Victor Krum walk in,

"bloody hell that's Krum!" I said hitting Enzo,

"yes I can see Mara"

"merlin he's attractive"  Lyra mumbled and Enzo gave her a look,

"what? you were gawking at the Beauxbatons girls only two minutes ago let me drool" 


The next morning hogwarts was buzzing with excitement, everyone was talking about the tournament and entering.

"my birthday just had to be in December" I mumbled annoyed that I wasn't old enough to enter.

"you want to enter?" Lyra asked confused.

"don't you want eternal glory? I said dramatically before lying down on my back. Him, Lyra and I were sitting in the courtyard for our free period, somehow all three of us managed to get the same free period in the beginning of the day before the rest of our classes.

"no I want to live past seventeen" she said sarcastically and I laughed sitting up straight again pulling my knees up to my chest.

"apparently the Weasley twins have come up with a way to enter" Enzo spoke setting his book down on the grass.

"of course they have" I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"hello lorenzo" a few girls from Beauxbatons said in a thick french accent giggling and waving as they walked by, I raised my eyebrow in amusement as Enzo's ears turned a slight shade of pink, he waved back awkwardly and Lyra and I tried not to laugh.

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