Chapter 29

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Lacey's POV

We were sitting in Starbucks, me and George, just catching up. Not the Starbucks we went into after that one meeting. Yeahh, we were banned for being too loud......LOL.

"I can't belive you did that!" George squealed/giggled. I just told him about the time I kicked a football into my primary 6 teacher's face and broke her nose. I turned red and tried to hold in a laugh, which came out anyway. We fell into a silence, not an awkward one, a comfortable one. That;s the way it was with George. Comfortable. Our silence was broken by a shrill squeal, and someone running towards us.

Oh no! Another fan! I thought, but I was wrong. For the person who was hugging the life out of me was none other than my so-called 'best friend', who hadn't contacted me for months, Ella Henderson.

"Oh my Goooodddd! Hey babe how are you?!" She screeched in my ear, emphasising the word 'babe, She knew how much that word made me uncomfortable. She turned to George. "OMG GEORGEY POO!" She flung herself at George and hugged him, and kissed both his cheeks. And sat beside him. With her hand on his knee. Bitch.

He shoved her hand off, making me smile. Ella glared at me, and I gave her a bg smug smile back. I broke the silence, "So, Ella. How are you?" I asked. I wish I hadn't. She set off into stories about being on break in LA and meeting the 'most handsomest guy EVER!' called Dave and that she was 'soooo over Dan' and that he 'kept calling her saying he wanted her back'. Aye so he did.

All the while she was inching closer to George and trying to make as much physical contact as she could. You could tell George was getting uncomfortable, as he stood up and cleared his throat, "I'm just....gonna go to the loo." He announced, glancing awkwardly at Ella and pulling a face at me. "Awwww, see you Georgey Poo!" She sang, pouting a bit and batting her eyelashes, oblivious to his previous actions. He Land over and kissed me on the cheek and left. "Aw, isn't that cute." Ella commented, glaring at me. I slammed my hands on the table, "What is your problem?!" I hissed, she looked at me with fake innocence. "Oh, nothing." She began, "I just think that you two don't really belong with each other. I prefer you with Alex, what happened with you two? And Georgey Poo's soul mate is out there but I don't think it's you babe." She gave me a sympathetic smile.

I snapped, "Don't go around thinking you're his soul mate either! He doesn't like you that way! Hell, he doesn't even like you at all!" I hissed, looking daggers at her. If looks could kill...She leaned in closer, "I didn't say that I was, so shut your stupid mouth!" She spat, death glaring at me. "And you don't know Georgey Poo like I do!"

I was about to answer when something clicked in my mind. 

Georgey Poo.

She keeps calling him Georgey Poo. Who else calls him that? No one. That's who. Except.....

My mind was racing until it all made sense. Certain texts from a certain Blocked Number came to mind:

Georgey-Poo. You haven't done what I've asked. Naughty boy...

I didn't think about it anymore. Instead, I looked at Ella, with wide eyes, who was looking at me as if I had three heads. I started sliding out the booth, still staring at Ella cautiously. This girl - monster - Who I used to call my best friend, had thought up and planned ways to kill me. Kill me.

Before her mind could register anything, I bolted it. I crashed right into George's chest, tripping a little. "What's wrong, love?" He asked, scrunching his eyebrows together. I whispered one word to him, barely audible.


I ran as fast as I could out of the coffee shop and onto the road.

I screamed just as the truck hit me.

Hey Turtles! I think I'll leave you with just this cliffhanger....
Bye Turtles!<3

Zoe x 

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