Chapter 9 ~ The After Party

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Hey Turtle!!! I haven't updated in....a day:L I had school-_- Ugh! But I'm back:D *applause* ANYWAYS!

Enjoy my Turtles!!<3

Zoe x

Lacey's POV

 Oh, God. I was soooo tired.

I felt like I was on sleeping pills.

Why did I wake up early?!

I rolled over onto my back and let my arm fall on the matress next to me.

Except it wasn't a matress. It was George.


"Ouch!" He yelled jerking up and clutching at his stomach. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" I rambled, "I didn't mean it! Please don't hurt me!" I literally got on my knees and started begging.

George chuckled. "Wow. Over dramatic much?" He winked, still rubbing his belly.

I scoweled and jumped of the bed, "Watch it!" George shouted, pulling me back on. "What was that for?" I asked, pulling my arm out of his grip. "Oh, nothing! It's not like you dislocated your ankle or anything!" He said, his tone filled with sarcasm. "Now look who's being over-dramatic." I said smirking, " It's only badly sprained not dislocated." I corrected, grabbing my crutches from my bedside.

I tried to get up on them, and failed. I fell back onto the bed about 10 times until George helped me.

"Go back to sleep now," I told him, "That wasn't a very nice way to wake up." I said, trying to apolagise again.

"Even if I could, I wouldn't," He said, turning a bit pink, "I'd rather be up with you." He looked up and smirked at my face.

I'm sure I was blushing like a tomato.

"Er..Thanks...I guess?" I mumbled, still embarassed. "Do you want me to make you breakfast?" I aksed, starting to crutch my way out the room and down the stairs. "Ehm, yea sure! What are you making??" He asked, eager for his food.

"Well, with the state I'm in now," I pointed to my crutches, "The only thing I would be able to make is burnt toast..." I said, trailing off at the end.

"I think I'll pass." Chuckled George, "Shall I make pancakes then?"

"YES! YESYESYES!!" I practically jumped on him.

What? I like pancakes...


"Here you go!" George said, excitedly and sat down infront of me and stared. "What?" I asked feeling my face to see if something was on it. Nothing. "Try the pancakes" He said moving the plate closer to me. I rolled my eyes and smothered my pancakes in golden syrup. Yum!

I cut a bit off and put it inside my mouth.


They were horrible.

Just kidding! They were amazayn! "OMC! These are like heaven in my mouth!" I eclaimed, shovelling some more in my mouth, "Really?!" George shouted, looking pleased wiht himself. I nodded, and finished my pancakes.

"So," George started, leaning back in his seat, "Who do you think's gonna be put out this week?" He asked, looking uncomfortable.

I sighed. "Honestly? I think I'm going out." I said, dead serious. I'm sure everyone was better than me.

"What?! You were amazing! The best by far!" He said, looking shocked, "Well who do think's going?" I asked, trying to stop the blush from coming. "I'm pretty sure me and the boys are going. I mean sis you hear the comments the judges gave us? Not the best. And the song just wasn't our thing, you know?" He asked, looking up at me. "George, from the little bit of the song song I heard, I thought you boys were amazing. Better than me anyday!" I said, telling the truth. Their voices just went so well together and it sounded so pure. He chuckled, "Thanks. But I still think we're going out." I sighed. "Well, we can only wait and see."

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