Chapter 4

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Hey Turtles:)) Hope you enjoyed the last chappy:)) This chapter is gonna be better!! (Maybe:?) There may be a cheeky game of truth or dare and spin the bottle in the next chappy;) HAVE FUN MY TURTLES!!

Zoe x

Lacey's POV

 I walked up the stairs and checked the first room. Taken. Second room. Occupied. Third room. Full.

I got up to the third floor anf every room was taken. The last room must be mine then.I made my way to the end of the hall and opened the door. Nope. There were suitcases on the beds and bags on the floor.

"Seriously guys?!" I yelled. I dropped my luggage in the hall and made my way down the two flights of stairs. I got down to the living room and glared at them. " You just couldn't leave a room for me could you?" I asked (Note the sarcasm) The boys snickered and I gave them my best death glare. If looks could kill. "Well the joke's on you now, because if I find an extra bed anywhere I'm sleeping there. I don't care whose room it is." I turned on my heel and went to check the rooms again.


Once again I found myslef up at the top floor at the end of the hall, " There better be an extra bed in here." I muttered to myself. I turned the handle and looked. There, at the end of the room, was a bed with no suitcase on it and no bags around it. Bingo. I dumped my stuff on it a skipped downstairs.

"Start the applause because I found a bed!" I said smugly. Everyone stared at me as if I was crazy.

"Tough crowd." I muttered.

I walked into the kitchen to find Ella,JJ, and George.

"What're you all doing eating cearal at this time of night?" I aksed.

"Is there a law saying we can't?" I heard JJ say. I turned round to glare at him, he was smirking. How dare he. No-one out-sasses me!

I turned back around and started digging through the cupboards, "Pleeease tell me we have Coco Pops?" I said. I heard giggling and snickering. I turned round and saw George trying to hide them! I walked over to him and took hold of the box. No-one comes betwenn me and my Coco Pops!

He didn't let go. "My Coco Pops!" I said like a toddler. What? Don't judge I'm hungry! "Not anymore." He said back, smirking. So it was gonna be like that. "George." I said, sweetly, " Give me the Coco Pops or I will cheerfully beat you to death and make you incapable of making babies." George looked at me with wide eyes and gulped. He let go of the box and smirked at him. I made my bowl of cereal and sat down next to Ella. She was staring at me weirdly.

"Whop?" I said, mouth full of Coco Pops. She just shook her head and laughed.

"Soooo," I said, trying to be casual, "A little birdy told me someone's got a crush on Dan." I said, looking at Ella. Her head snapped up and she gave me a look of horror "What?! Pshhh noooo! I do not! Ha ha! Who told you that!?" She rambled on an on. "Ella, I didn't say you had a crush on him." I smirked. She put her head on the table and we laughed.

"Sooo, did you get a room?" Ela asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yes actually!" I said, proud of myself. "Which one?" She asked.

"Ehhhhhmm, the one at the end of the hall on the third floor. It had an extra bed." I replied.

"And I apoligise in advance, to the person or people I'm sharing a room with, for my behaviour and hyperness!" I yelled so everyone could hear me. I heard chuckling coming from the living room.

"Oh! That's our room!" JJ said, smiling at me. I smiled back.

"I feel so sorry for you." Ella said to him, smirking at me.

"Hey!" I hit her lightly on the shoulder. They all snickered.

"You're all mean!" I said, playfully scowling. I got up and started to walk to the living room when I had the most amazing idea!!

Truth or dare!!

HAAAYY TURTLES!!! OMC(oh my carrots) 4(3?) UPDATES IN ONE DAY!!!! I got a bit distracted writing this one because I was listening to One Direction and dancing around my room like a freak soo....Was it good??? PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEASE leave a comment!! Thanks! Bye now my Turtles!!!

Zoe x 

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