Chapter 24

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Lacey's POV

We pulled back, breathless from the kiss. I looked down at my hands and blushed. Sure there were sparks but they weren't very powerful, I didn't know how I felt. Alex dropped my hands and they fell on his lap. I pulled them away, embarrassed and he chuckled. "Well that was..." He began to search for the right word. I just let out a big breath. "I need to go." I whispered, still dazed from the kiss. He chuckled again and stood up, pulling me with him. We walked back to the hotel in silence. Awkward silence.

We eventually got back to the hotle and I turned to face Alex. "Well...bye then." I said, quite awkwardly. He leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. "Bye." He breathed, before turning and walking away.  I sighed and walked into the hotel. The woman looked up from the desk and said "Second Floor, Room 169." In a very bored voice. I raised my eyebrows and continued towards the lift. 

I arrived in front of my room, 169, (69...teehee). I could hear voices coming from inside. I scrunched my eyebrows. Was I sharing with someone? I opened the door and walked in. Three of the boys sat in front of the TV, their noses almost touching it. "No Bella! Choose Jacob! He can protect you better!!" JJ whimpered, dabbing at his eyes with a tissue. "No! Edward loves her more! He's a much better choice!" Josh argued back, also looking teary. Jaymi was looking at them as if they were talking chickens. "And I thought was the gay one." I heard him mutter.

I cleared my throat and raised my eyebrows.JJ and Josh looked extremely embarrased as Jaymi began to laugh histerically. I smirked at the boys and waltzed in the room. JJ cleared his throat. "Ehhhhmm...We thought you would enjoy Twilight, so we put it in...I wasn't really into it." He tried to reclaim what little dignity he had left, and was failing miserably. Jaymi's face was bright red and no sound was coming out, he was laughing that hard. I smirked again. "No thanks JJ, I dont really feel like it right now." I said, and headed towards my room. 

I stopped. "Oh! And Edward is a way better choice for her." I smirked and opened the door. I wish I hadn't. There was George, lying on the bed, some blonde girl on top of him. And they were making out furiously. I backed out quickly and slammed the door behind me. I rested against the door, my eyes wide. "Well there goes my innocence!" I breathed out. Eurgh. Never, and I mean never, in my life do I want witness something like that again. I shuddered. "Are they still at it?" Josh raised his eyebrows, while I looked at him confused. "We had to kick them out of the room because they were kanoodling."  Jaymi explained to me. Ay, that was disturbing. 

The door opened from behind me and I almost fell. I caught myself in the door frame and stepped forward. George and the girl walked out. He looked embarrassed and wasn't meeting my eye, whereas the blonde had a smug look on her face and was walking tall. I gave her a disgusted look and went to sit next to Jaymi. There was an awkward silence. George broke it by clearing his throat. "Errrr, Lacey...This is my girlfriend, Tiffany." He siad, gesturing towards her. I looked at her properly then. She was wearing far too much makeup and a really short dress. All that for staying in? She gave me a massive fake smile and squeled. "I just know we're gonna be the best of friends!" She clapped her hands and gave me a hug. Her voice was quite high pitched and very annoying. 

I smiled back at her and laughed uncomfortably. "Well, I've got to walk Tiff downstairs to her car so....Yeah." George said and took 'Tiff's' hand. He muttered a quick 'see ya' and she squealed a 'bye guys!' and blew us all a kiss. As she turned to close the door, she glared at me and slammed it. "Good riddance." JJ muttered inder his breath. "You don't like her?" I asked them, lifting one of my eyebrows. They all stared at me. "Okay, okay...point taken." I muttered. "I hate her! And I dont hate anyone!" Josh said, matter-of-factly. "Yeah, she's a bitch." Jaymi smiled, being dry. I giggled and soon we were all in fits of laughter.

"Do I get to hear the joke?" George said, as he walked through the door. "Nope!" I said popping the 'p'. He pouted and folded his arms. "Awwww George c'mere!" Jaymi siad in an overly posh English voice. He got up and hugged George, stroking his hair and muttering, "Don't worry baby, they're just jealous of what we have." George giggled and pushed him off him. "NO! Don't leave me!" Jaymi exclaimed and began to fake sob on my shoulder." I thought what we had was special!" He sobbed. I put my arm around him, trying to keep a straight face. "Awww, don't cwy. I'll wook after you." I cooed in a baby voice. 

We were all back in a fit of giggles. I felt the couch sink down a bit next to me and an arm found its way around my shoulder. "I missed my best friend today." George whispered in my ear. I was about to apolagise but then I remembered I was pissed at him. "Hmmm sucks for you." I said and returned my attention ti the TV. "What's wrong?" George whispered again nudging me with his arm. I gkared at him and pushed his arm off me. "Lacey-" "Oi! If you want to talk, do it where a movie isnt playing!"

Josh scolded us, his nose, once again, almost touching the TV. 

George huffed and stood up, pulling me with him when I didnt move. He led me into the rooms and closed the door. "What's wrong? And I want the truth!" George sighed, looking at me. "What's wrong?! You're what's wrong!" I whisper-shouted at him, scowling and plopping myslef on the bed. "What do you mean?" He asked, sitting down next to me. I let out an exasperated sigh. " 'Just wait till after the tour, Lacey.' 'We'll be together sooon, Lacey.' Do these words  mean anything to you? Or did you just say them for the sake of it?" I snapped and crossed my arms. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry but the thing with Tiffany just sorta.....happened. I didn't mean it to." He explained, turning his body to face me.

I sighed, I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. "Maybe this was just a wake up call. Maybe we're not meant to be together." I voiced the thoughts I had been thinking for a short while now. Maybe we weren't supposed to be together. Maybe. "What-No-I-" He seemed to be lost for words. I couldn;t blame him though, he couldn't protest because he had a girlfriend and he couldn't not protest because I would get even more pissed at him than I was now. And that was a lot. " it. Okay?" I said softly putting my hand on his. We looked into each other's eyes before getting up. I kissed him on the cheek and left the room.

"Alex?" I asked, confused. Why was Alex in my hotel room? "Lacey." He walked over to me and smashed his lips onto mine. After a minute we pulled apart and Alex took my hands in his. He only uttered two words to me.

Two words that I couldn't answer because I froze. Two words that could ruin my relationship with George.

"Be mine?"

Hey Turtles!

*Gasp* What will happen? Is Tiffany the 'Blocked Number'? What will Lacey say? ALL WILL BE REVEALED SOON TURTLES! JUST STAY CALM! Sooooooo....Gooooood? Baaaaaaad? COMMENT! Tiffany is played by @lucyinw0nderland :)! I FINALLY got your character in! Yay for me:)

Bye Turtles!<3

Zoe x 

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