Chapter 15

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Heeeey Turtles!<3 Sorry I haven't updated in a while<3 I had writers block:(( But Im back!!! YAAAAY! Soooooooooooo Here's the 15th chapter and enjoy:)))<3<3

Zoe x

Lacey's POV


I was jumping around like mad even after the show had finished. But not to forget the after party!
No matter how happy I was that I won, I still couldn't keep what George said out of my mind.
I'm sorry.
Did he mean it? Could I trust him? UGH! So many questions!
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt two small arms wrap around my shoulders.
"AAAAAAHHH!! LACEY YOU WON!!!!" The person squealed. I recognised the voice as Ella and hugged back. Even thought it was only a week, I still missed her like crazy!
"I know!! I'm so happy!" I squealed back. Ella was practically hyperventilating and was jumping up and down. I had to stop her before she collapsed....
"Ella! Calm down!" I half-laughed, still estatic from earlier.
Her breathing slowed and she stopped jumping. "So! Are you coming to the party? Of course you are, it's for you! What am I thinking?! What are you wearing?! I think I might wear thid new dress I got that's lacey-HEY! That's your name! How funny-" She was rambling so fast that I could hardly hear her, but I cut her off.
"Ella! Okay. 1. I am coming to the party. 2. I don't know what Im wearing. And 3. Yes, that is my name." I said now calmed down.
"Oh! Okay!" Ella smiled at me, and took me by the arm and practically dragged me down the corridor.
"Where are we going?" I asked cautiously, raising one of my eyebrows.
"Back to the house of course!" She chirped, "We're getting you ready for your party!"
"Aaaaaand.........DONE!" Ella shouted, tapping my nose with the powder puff one last time.
I took a look in the mirror and gasped.
Not to be vain or anything but- Oh who am I kidding! I looked amazing!!! 
"Ella! You're a miracle worker!" I squealed, and launched myself in her arms. "Okay, okay. Don't ruin my masterpiece!" She said, mock-sternly. I giggled a bit and went to put on the outfit she chose for me.
It was, again, a black leather skirt and another bralet. The bralet was white with blue flowers and a zip in the middle(Pic at the side) With grey wedges.
Ella has the best sense of fashion.
 The party was in a new club called 'Purple Moon'. It wasn't like the last one in the slightest.
This club was HUGE! And clean and shiny and new! The people who owned this place were obviously very rich!
"Oooooh! That boy is fit!" Ella nearly screamed, the music was so loud!
"Not so loud Ella!" I yelled back, scared that the guy had heard us.
I walked over to the bar, trying to forget the fact that a certain George was here.
I hadn't seen him so far and, to be honest, I didn't want to
You may be thinking, I thought you loved George, Don't you want him back? And right now, I didn't want him back.
He really hurt me when he accused me of cheating. He was being unfair.
I hadn't really spoken to Greg since the 'incident', scared that George would blow up again.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when a good looking boy about my age sat down next to me.
"Alright?" He asked, smiling at me. What a fake. I smiled back and nodded. "What's a beautiful girl you doing sitting all alone?" He asked leaning into me, his face inches  from mine. Eugh.
"Actually, I'm with my friends. Speaking of which, I have to go!" I said, quickly, getting scared because he was so close to me.
"Oh, come on!" I heard him shout after me. I dodged around people dancing trying to get as far away as Clingy Guy as I possibly could.
I found Ella and began to dance with her and two other guys she was with.
I was quite drunk now, my words beginnning to slur and my vision the tiniest bit blury.
"Hello again." Someone said from behind me. I turned around and found myself facing Clingy Guy again. For the love of God!
I turned away from him and started to walk away, when I felt his hand on my arm.
"Oh, no! You're not going anaywhere this time missy!" He said starting to dance with me. I decided to give up fighting and just dance. The alchohol was starting to kick in a lot anyways.
After about 15 minutes of dancing, Clingy Guy started to get closer to me.
He was about an inch from my face and was moving closer. My brain was trying to tell me to move away, but the alcholol in me wasn't letting me move.
I waited for Clingy Guy's lips to touch mine but instead, I felt a large breeze and saw someone tackle him.
I was so relieved!
Oh no.
George had just tackled Clingy Guy and was starting to beat the crap out of him. This time, the alcholol listened to my brain and I moved over to help.
"George! George! Get off him!" I screamed pulling at him. I didn't care about Clingy Guy, it's just I didn't want anybody to get hurt.
"George! For fuck's sake get the fuck off him!" With one final pull, George fell backwards on top of me and Clingy Guy ran away. Wimp.
Goerge quickly jumped off of me and pulled me up.
"Oh my God Lacey! What the hell was that for!" He yelled at me, pointing to where Clingy Guy ran off to.
I just glared at him. I was really pissed off at him. I turned around and walked away.
"No! Lacey, wait! Please!" I heard him call after me. I kept walking. "Lacey! Please!" UGH!
"What?!" I snappd at him, turning on my heel and making him almost bump into me. He seemed to lose hid train of thought for a second, before scratching the back of his neck.
He was nervous.
"Can" He asked, quietly. I was taken aback.
I thought this over, and finally gave in.
I nodded my head and lead him into the VIP room for X Factor people only.
When we were in, George locked the door and turned to me.
After about 5 minutes of silence he blurted,
"I still love you."

 OOOH! YAAAY! Sorry for not updating for long!! PLEASE DONT HATE ME MY TURTLES!<3<3
Soooooooo, What d'you think??? Good? Bad? COMMENT! :D It was kinda crappy, BUT a cliffhanger at the end!!! I might update tomorrow. Otherwise it'll be the next day! Im off to see my friends perform with their band at  a fireworks show!!<3<3
Thanks Turtles! Stay beautiful!!<3<3

Zoe x 

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