Chapter 28

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Lacey's POV

I woke up to the melodious sounds of birds chirping outside my window.

What the fuck was that? 

The melodious sounds of birds chirping outsode my window?! When did I become a sap?
I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist as the memories of last night came flooding back to me. I couldn't help but smile, I mean, who could?! He's George Freaking Shelley. Nuff said.

I turned in his arms to face him and took in his breathtaking features. The way his cheekbones raised, even when he just breathed, his plump, full lips, his messy, yet extremely sexy hair. God Lacey, you sound like a fucking creeper.

He stirred next to me and his eyes fluttered open, catching me creeping on him. I froze where I was and we just stared into each other's eyes until he broke the silence, "Were you watching me sleep?" He questiones, raising his eyebrow and smirking a bit. I blushed and buried my face in his chest, making him chuckle and stoke my hair. "You're so cute." He breathed, chuckling a but more. I blushed more and buried my head deeper into his chest.

We stayed like that for a minute before getting dressed and going downstairs, thinking we were alone. And when I say 'getting dressed' ,I mean George putting his boxers on and me putting my underwear and one of George's T Shirts. So, we were surprised when we saw the boys sitting at my kitchen island with Georgie and Olly. 

They all turned around when they saw us and their jaws fell open. "Well! What have you two been doing!?" Jaymi screeched, waggling his eybrows at us. I just stood there, eyes wide, cheeks red, before flying up the stairs and putting a pair of shorts on. I came back down the stairs and handed George a pair of jammie bottoms and a T Shirt. We sat casually at the island, as if nothing happened. I sensed everyone staring a me and George but I done my best to focus on my breakfast.

JJ's hand smacked on the table, making us all jump, "Is anyone gonna tell us what happened?!" He raised his eyebrows at me and George. We eyed each other before turning to JJ and simutaniously saying "Nope." Popping the 'P'. "You do realise that you two have a boyfriend and girlfriend." Josh said, not even bothering to ask us if his suspisions were right. And, of course, they were right.

At the mention of the word 'boyrfriend' I suddenly remembered Alex. "Shit!" I yelled and went searching for my phone. Someone from behind me cleared their throat and I turned to face them. Jaymi was behind me, raising his eyebrow and dangling my phone in front of me. I made a swipe for it, but failed miserably, as Jaymi has Ninja refelxes. "Damn." I muttered, scowling at him.

I sat back at the island, with Jaymi, and waited. "Lacey, George, you can't just break up with them for each otherm just because you had sex. Plus you cheated." Josh sighed, looking very stern and fatherly. I suddenly felt very intimidated when George spoke up. "Technically, we didn't cheat. Not when they cheated first." He stated, giving Josh that sarcastically sympatheic smile thingy. It made sense in my head.

"Wait. Hold up! They cheated?" JJ asked, frowning. We nodded, "Yup. With each other." I said, casually, and watched in amusement when their jaws dropped. "How can you be so calm!? I'd be bloody raging!" Georgie squealed, mouth open, eyes wide. I looked to George. "This is gonna sound harsh, but. We didn't really like them" He said, matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, neither did we." Jaymi shrugged, smiling at the two of us. "I'm just happy that our family's all back together." He said. We all waited a minute, and then began throwing scrunched up bits of kitchen roll at him for being cheesy.

God, how I love these people.

HEY TURTLES! Sorry that this was really short. And crappy. And short. SORRY OKAY!? Well.....I need ideas people! What will happen until 'THE BIG EVENT' ?! YES, THATS RIGHT PEOPLE! THERES A 'BIG EVENT' COMING! AND IM NOT TELLING YOU! MUAHAHAHAHA! If you give me an idea, and I use it, you will get the role of.............................JJ'S GIRLFRIEND! WOOPWOOP! Soooooo GET COMMENTING GIRRAFOSAURUSCORNS! (Giraffe/Dinosaur/Unicorn:)
Bye Turtles!<3 

Zoe x 

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