Chapter 6 ~ The Kiss

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Hey Turtles!! Wattpad is saying that a few people are reading my stories!! Yay! BUT! You's aren't leaving any comments:((( Pleeeease do!!!

Thanks lovelies!<3

Zoe x

Lacey's POV


I had to kiss George.

The butterflies erupted in my stomach.

I looked over at him, he was staring at the bottle, his cheeks a little pink-WAIT! WHAT?! Was George BLUSHING?! OH.MY.GOD!

"Hurry up!! get a move on people!" Ella said.

George looked at me and smirked, I was pretty sure my jaw was hanging open.

I closed my mouth and cleard my throat. "5...4..." Ella beagn looking at her watch "..3...2...1..KISS!" George leant in slowly and crashed his lips to mine.

There were sparks-NO-Firewarks-NO- Nuclear bombs exploding inside of me.

George wound his hands around my waist and pulled me closer and my hands tangled themselves into his hair.

Everything and everyone seemed to disappear.

It was just me and George.

Our lips moved in sync. It was the best feeling in the world , his soft, full lips on mine.

Too soon our 2 minutes was up and we broke apart. He grinned sheepishly at me and turned a bit pink. I was pretty sure that I looked like a tomato. He took his arms from around my waist and sat back down, I followed suit. 


Well that was interesting.

After a while we got bored and everyone kind of drifted off to do their own thing. I stayed in the living room with Ella, Lucy and the boys from District 3 and Union J.

"So, Lacey. Tell us about yourself!" Mickey suggested.

"What d'you want to know?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Ehm, What's your favourite colour?" He asked

"Red!" I shouted, I was obsessed with the colour:)

"Favourite food?" Josh asked

"Probably ice-cream." I replied with a laugh.

"Any pets?"

"Two cats, Olly and Daisy"

What started out to be a simple get-to-know-you session turned into who-can-fire-the-most-questions-at-Lacey...

Question were coming at me left, right and centre.

"Favourite animal?"

"Errr, turtles or monkeys!"


"Emmm 5'4!"

"Shoe size?"



"Thanks." Mickey said, smiling innocently. I playfully glared at him and stuck my tongue out.

"Love you too Lacey!" He shouted, running out the room with Josh, Jaymi and JJ. I heard someone let out a huff beside me.

I turned round to face them, it was George.

"You okay Sea Shell??" I asked, smiling. He seemed to lighten up a bit when I called him this but was still sulky "Yeah Im good thanks." He said. His smile looked forced though.

I wondered what was wrong with him. I gave an involuntary yawn, "It's time someone got to bed!" Ella said. " Okay mum." I said , smirking at her.

I made my way up the stairs, suddenly tired, and opened the door to my room. Bad move.

The horror.

I screamed.

I did not need to see three naked teenage boys! Im scarred for life!! I heard footsteps running up the stairs and George appeared. " Lacey! What happened?! Are you okay?!" He exclaimed. " NOO! IM SCARRED FOR LIFE!!" I yelled. The bedroom door opened and the boys came out. " Lacey! I'm sorry! We forgot you were sharing with us!" Josh started saying, "Yeah! We'll be more careful now!" Jaymi said."Uggh! Just forget about it." I said smiling, "Just don't do it in the future!" I warned. They all nodded and went back in the room.

"Sooooo, What happened?" Asked George. I sighed, " I kinda, sorta...walked in on them while they were naked..." I said. I was sure I was blushing.

To my surprise, George laughed. He laughed! How is this funny?! I was mentally scarred!!

I smacked him on the arm and scowled at him.

"Oooouch!!" He yelled, rubbing at his shoulder. "Well that's what you get for being a moron!" I said, smiling sweetly at him.

I turned around and walked into the room, cautiously this time. All clear, no naked boys here. I skipped over to my bed and flopped on it, suddenly exhausted. That's when I noticed something different about the room. Jaymi, JJ and Josh's beds were pushed together making a big, fat bed. whereas George's and mine were left untouched, although they did look a but closer than before.

"Why are the beds all dodged up?" I asked, a confused look on my face. " We all like to be close, you see." JJ explained, "But we thought you and George would like to be together after that snogging session!" Jaymi said, winking and wiggling his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and blushed a little bit.


There was a big scraping noise coming from next to me. I jumped and looked over to see the boys pushing George's bed next to mine. "What the hell?" I heard Geor'ge say from the door. I shrugged my shoulders at him and signalled that the boys were crazy. He shook his head and chuckled walking over and lying down next to me on our newly made double-bed. " Boys will be boys, eh love?" He said, smiling at me. "And what does that make you? A pigeon?" I smirked at him. He stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed lying under the covers. " Oi! Lovebirds! Shut it!" I heard Jaymi shout. I giggled, I had only known them for one day and already felt really close to them. 

They're the best.

Especially George;)

George's POV

She was amazing.

The way she smiled, laughed, walked, talked.

And she was fit. And her bum. Oooft;)

I just loved everything about her.


Someday, somehow, she will be mine.

Hey Turtles!!!! Shout-out to my friend Amy who's reading this!!<3<3 Sooo how was it??? Good? Bad? SNOWFLAKE! Random.......Anyways.....Hope you enjoyed!<3<3

Another POV in there;) Thought I might try that:))) 

Stay beautiful!

Bye Turtles!<3

Zoe x 

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