Chapter 21

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George's POV

I was so angry right now.God,I can't beleive that they're making me and Lacey break up! After what we've been through! I was just getting angrier and angrier, I had to let my feelings out somehow. But maybe punching the wall wasn't the best idea.

I held my hand to my chest, cursing under my breath. I sighed and flopped down on my bunk. This was supposed to be a great experience,fun.Ha, some fun this is,I thought bitterely. The fact that e and Lacey were to 'break up' wasn't the only thing I was amad about right now. The stupid crazy stalker person was getting on my nerves. She, or he, was now describing how they would torture andkillLacey, in explicit detail might I add, if we didn't break up. Well congratulations,creepy stalker. You won.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and,speak of the devil, there was the now familiar blocked number on my screen:

Hey baby. Since Im in a good mood today, I shall let you pick one of these choices to kill your EX girlfriend. Yep, I heard. Now we can live happily ever after. Well. You'll live if you stay with me. Anyway, back to the options:
1. Make her drink acid while taking a bath in...well...acid;)
2. Drug her and dress her in a slutty outfit, not much different from what she wears anyway, and let some junkies take care of her.
Your choice, Georgie-Bear;) Or, do you want to die too? If I can't have you no one will. Love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It was all too much to take in. I opened my curtains, flung my phone at the nearest wall and buried my face in my pillow. Very manly.


I must've drifted off to sleep because I found myself waking up to the door slamming. I picked my head off of the pillow, opened the curtains and looked around the room. Hmm. Seems like the person stormed out of the room instead of in. I saw a light coming from the bunk opposite me and went over to investigate. I jumped down from my bunk, which was on the top,climbed up the other side of bunks and opened the top bunks curtains. There lay my phone, the messages from the blocked number on the screen. 

On Lacey's bed.

Lacey's POV

I felt the tears forming in my ears and a few stray ones fell onto the phone screen. If I can't have you no one can.

Those words were ringing in my ears. If I stayed with George after this stupid tour, he would get hurt. I don't care about me, that's fine if I get hurt but George. No one hurts him on my watch. I flung the phone down on my bed and jumped off of my bunk. I headed to the door and slammed it on my way out.

I ignored everyone looking at me and stormed right out of the bus, which was now parked at a petrol station. I walked for what seemed like hours but was only about 2 mins before I cam upon a Starbucks.

The bell ringed above me as I opened the door and the woman at the counter smiled at me. "What can I get for you dear?" She asked politely. I smiled, "Can I have a medium caramel frappuncino please?" I asked and she nodded. I looked around the shop and was surprised to see that it was more or less empty. I collected my drink and sat down in a booth.

I took my phone out and started going through Twitter, following people, mentioning them, tweeting them back. You know, normal stuff. I went onto iBooks and brought up The Hunger Games, which I had yet to read. George kept bugging me about it, practically begging me to read it so, why not?


I decided it was time for me to go. I closed the book and looked at the time. Shit. I had been gone for 2 hours?! It felt like 10 minutes! Shitty shitty shit shit. I was gonna be in soooooooooooooo much trouble. I hastily flung my empty coffee cup in the bin and shouted a 'thanks' to my server.

I flung the door open and found myself being greeted by someone chest, followed by the floor. "I'm so sorry! Here, let me help!" A boy's voice said. I looked up to find a hand in my face so I took it. I dusted my bum and looked at my 'saviour'.  It was a boy around my age with Bieber styled hair, wearing a beanie, stripy top and a hoodie. "Sorry." He said again, smiling at me. I smiled back sheepishly, realizing I had just checked him out.

"No problem. It wasnt your fault, I should've looked where I was going." I laughed nervously. "Oooooh, Scottish! I love your accent!" He exclaimed exitedly. I laughed at his enthusiasm. Most people told me they like dmy accent but I thought it was quite plain. His accent though, was amazing. American. "I'm Alex by the way." He said, holding out his hand yet again. "Lacey." I shook his hand.

"Soo Lacey. What do you do?" He asked, sitting down on one of the outdoor cafe seats. "I'm a singer." I said," Just off of the X Factor. Heard of it?" I winked and sat down in front of him. "No way! That's part of the reason Im here!" He excalimed, smiling brightly. I looked at him confused, he chuckled. "My dad moved here for his job. He owns a magazine company. And my little sister also wanted to come to the X Factor tour. Which I'm guessing you're on?" He said. I nodded, he smirked and sat back, crossing his arms.

"Soo Alex," I said, micking him. "What do you do?" I finished, raising my eyebrows at him. He chuckled and looked down. "I do a bit of modelling, here and there." He smirked, winking at me. I wasn't surprised. He wasn't too bad on the eyes. What am I thinking?! I've just been forced out of a relationship with George! "Has anyone told you that you look like David Rodriguez? Like, twin look alike." It was true. He looked exactly like David Rodriguez, the Tumblr Boy. 

"Actually, people have told me that and I still don't know who he is." He chuckled. I suddenly remembered that I had to go. Now I was gonna be in even more trouble. Shiiiiit. "Sorry Alex, but I have to go. I'm late for the tour bus!" I said, getting up. "Wait!" He called, "Can I get your number? Ya know. To stay in touch." He winked, I blushed. 

We exchanged numbers and hugs before I ran for my life back down the path I came up from.


"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ELIZABETH KELLY SMITH?!!!" The producer yelled in my face. "WE HAVE BEEN FRANTIC, LOOKING FOR YOU!!! WELL?! WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?!" He spat, the vein on his neck popping out again. "Sorry! I went to get a coffee and I lost trakc of time!" I began explaining. He let out an exasperated sigh. "You count yourself lucky that you're continuing this tour. But you better clean up your act or you're off." He turned on his heel and walked away.

I sighed and walked into the small living room. "LACEY! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I heard George shout. He ran up to me and engulfed me into his arms. I breathed in his scent. "Sorry." I whispered, hugging him back. Someone cleared their throat and we pulled apart. The producer that we hated, let's call him Herbert, Herbet was standing at the door, his eyebrows raised at us. "What!?" George spat, "We're allowed to be friends aren't we?! Or are you gonna take that right away from us as well." He was looking furious at Herbert, who looked slightly scared. He narrowed his eyes at us and stormed off the bus, onto the producer one.

George sighed and sat back down on the couch, letting everyone else, including Jaymi, JJ, Josh, Jahmene, Ella and  District 3, hug me. We all sat down on the different couches and started to watch TV. I noticed that Dan and Ella were sitting as far apart as they could. What? I thought they were going out?! Dan caught my gaze and I nodded from him to Ella. He shook his head and looked back towards the TV.

I felt a gaze burning through the side of my head. I turned to find George and Ella looking at me. George just turned back towards the screen but Ella was proper glaring at me. As soon as I payed her my full attention, she quickly turned it into a big fake smile and she too turned back towards the TV.

What the fuck was all that about?

Heyy Turtles!<3 Two updates in a row! Woopwoop! Soooooooo how was it? Good? Bad? Comment! @lucyinw0nderland your character will come in very soon! The boy who plays Alex is actually David Rodriguez! Look him up! He is so hot *.* But not as hot as our boys!<3 Rememeber to vote and add to your libraries and reading lists!<3 Thanks lovelies!
Bye Turtles!<3

Zoe x 

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