Chapter 3

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Hey Turtles! It's Zoe! I just wanted to say that I think the last chapter was a bit over-dramatic:P Remember that, since Lacey is in this story, Jade Ellis isn't. I have nothing personal against her and I think she's amazing but she didnt fit into the story!:) The last chappy was just a filler there will be more action in this one (I think:?) Soooo Enjoy!

Zoe x

Lacey's POV

 The train lurched to a hault, making my earphones drop and and waking me up. I put my earphones back in and went to gather my luggage.


When I got out of the train it hit me, I was here. I was in London getting ready to take part in th X Factor!!! How did I become so lucky?

I looked around Euston Station until I say someone holding up a sign that said 'Ms. Lacey Smith' .

The guy looked very posh, like a chauffer. I walked up to him and told him was Lacey Smith and he told me to follow him.

When we walked outside I was blinded by flashing lights. How the hell did they find out I was here?!

Two security guards came out of nowhere and pushed the paparazzi away. At the end of the path made for us was a limo! A limo?! For me!? I was led into the limo and I sat down.

Oooooh! Fancy! I thought. I waited as the security guys put my luggage in the boot and we were off.


About a half an hour later we drew to a stop. "We've arrived Ms. Smith." The chauffer guy said and he went round the back to get me my things. The butterflies in my stomach went crazy! It felt like they were going to bust through my stomach.

They chauffer guy gave me my luggage and signalled for me to go inside the house.

The house!

Oh. My. Carrots.

It's HUGE!

I couldn't believe I was staying here!!!

I was too caught up in the house that I didn't notice the limo driving away. I finally snapped out of it and rolled my suitcases up to the porch and ringed the bell.


What felt like a stamped came from inside and the door swung open and I was squished into someone's arms.

"Don't kill her, Ella!" I heard someone say. Lucy! Ella!

"Ella!!" I yelled.

"LACEY!!!" She yelled back twice as loud. Ouch. I think I'm deaf.

"Lacey!" I heard a quieter shout.

" Lucy!!" I shouted as I hugged her too.

Ella was dancing like a chicken about the hall and I looked at her weirdly...

"What?" She asked, innocently

"Oh, nothing." I said. "Cause it's normal when people start dancing like a chicken randomly."

Lucy sniggered and Ella looked embarrased

"Sorry...I'm just so glad you're finally here!!" She squealed."I KNOW!" She screamed, "I'll give you a tour!"

She grabbed my hand and led me down the hall.

"This is the living room!" She said. WOW. There were leather couches, a plasma screen TV, fur rugs, and pretty little ornaments.

She smirked at my surprised face and led me to another room. "This is the kitchen." It was very white.


After the tour, In wich I was showed the living room,kitchen,gym(yes,there was a gym) dining room,laundry and garden, Ella led me back into the living where there were 15 new faces looking at me.

"Everyone, this is Lacey!" Ella said. "Lacey, this is James," She pointed to a boy who looked around 20 with tattoos on his arms and a bit of stubble, "This is Rylan," She gestured to another boy with balck hair and a goatee," This is Jahmene," She pointed to a short, tan boy with a babyish face.

"This is Melanie, she's from your neck of the woods!" She nudged me with her elbow and smirked, pointing to a tall woman with big wavy hair and high cheekbones, "That's Carolynne," She pointed to another woman with long, dark brown hair, "That's Kye," She said pointing to a tall man with Bieber  hair, "This is District 3 - Mickey," A fit boy with shortish brown hair, Bieber style, "Greg," A blonde boy with a quiff "," She blushed. WOAH! Blushed?! Someone's got a crush! Dan was pretty fit, with his messy hair and defined cheek-bones but I'd seen better.

"This is MK1 - Charlotte," She gestured to a pretty blonde girl with short hair, "Charlie!" She said "Oops, sorry Charlie," She said again, " And Simeon," She pointed to a tall, dark guy wearing a cap.

"This is Union J - JJ," She pointed to a very fit boy with dark brown hair gelled into a quiff, " Josh," Ooooft. Another fitty, Toned with a set jaw, "Jaymi," Do these boys ever stop getting fit?? Jaymi was musclier with a couple of tattoos, " And finally , George.



He was beautiful.

The most georgous boy I'd seen in my life, His big brown eyes, full lips, messy hair, high cheek-bones, and a fair bit of muscles.

"Hi." He said, smiling. I smiled back, afraid I would embarass myself if I talked.

"And now you know everyone, YAAY!" Ella screamed, " Now go get settled in a room!"

I walked away, airily, still dazed by George's beuaty.

What had I gotten into?

LOOOONG chappy:)) Hope it was okay?? LEAVE A COMMENT TO TELL ME PLEAAASE TURTLES?!?! I don't know about you guys but I'm having fun writing this:)))

Soooo stay beuatiful and enjoy!!

Bye turtles

Zoe x 

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