Chapter 17

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Lacey's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling light headed and giddy. Then I remebered last night...

I swear to God, my smile must've reached my eyebrows! I looked over at George and found him sleeping with a smile on his face.

He stirred in his sleep, my cue to stop creeping. I hopped out of the bed (turned my swag on!) and headed downstairs. I'm pretty sure that everyone stayed in the house last night, but now, everything was quiet.

Or not...Jaymi, JJ and Josh were sitting at the table in the kitchen and, when they saw me, let out loud wolf whistles. "Ooooh! Here comes the leading lady herslef!" JJ shouted winking at me, "And what were you and George doing last night?" Josh asked, while smirking at me. I felt myself go red and ignored them, turning to get my Coco Pops. "I can answer that for you!" Jaymi said, I could hear the smirk in his voice, "GEORGE AND LACEY WERE GETTING IT OOOOON!!" He positively schreeched into the air.

I slammed my Coco Pops down and turn to glare at him. If looks could kill...

"Will you shut up!" I hissed at him, embarassed. "Oh, I'm sorry!" He said, mockingly, "Did I say that a bit too loud?!" He asked in a very posh English accent."Yeah you did!!!" I heard someone screech from upstairs. I couldn't help but giggle, he was too funny.

I finished pouring out the milk for my cereal and sat down. "Sooooooooooo..." Josh said, wiggling his eyebrows at me, "Oh, shut up.." I mumbled, going red again.

I heard footsteps pad into the kitchen and turned to face whoever it was.

Surprise, surprise, it was George. When he saw me he smiled and winked. That boy will be the death of me. "And here's the lead male!" JJ said, clapping George on the back. Oh my God! "Well done Georgie boy!" Jaymi said, and held his hand up for a high-five. George slapped his hand and smirked. Boys!

I banged my head on the table. "Oi! Don't do that! It'll ruin your beautiful face." George said, gently lifting my head up to reveal my bright red face. He chuckled and kissed me, then went to get his cereal. "Aw damn! I thought we were going to get some live action!" Jaymi said,jokingly, banging his fist on the table. I chucked the nearest thing I could find at him. Lucky for him, it was a teaspoon and not a knife. He laughed and ran out the room, JJ and Josh following after him, but not before saying, "Now, we dont want any kitchen babies here!" 

They were lucky that they were out of the room before I could find something else to throw. "Hey babe." George said, sitting down next to me. I scrunched my nose up. Ew.

"What?" He asked,scrunching his eyebrows together. "It's nothing, just...Don't call me babe." I said, shuddering. The word 'babe' just made me feel uncomfortable, "It's icky." I added. George laughed and then kissed my nose. "You." He said, kissing it again, "Are just too cute." He tapped my nose this time.

"Last night was amazing." He said. "I didn't want to say it in front of the lads. But it was." I grinned as big as the Chesire Cat. "Wasn't it?" I said, kissing him. "Eeeewwww! No PDA!!!!" I heard someone shout from the kitchen door. I recognised the voice as Josh's and stuck the middle finger up. He chuckled. "Awww! Keep it PG guys!" JJ had joined us now. I groaned and pulled away from George. He smiled at me, but kept his hand round my waist. "Awwwwwwwww! Group hug!" Jaymi yelled, running into the kitchen and jumping on top of us. 

The rest of the boys joined in and squeezed us tight. I couldn't breathe from being squeezed and laughing to much, but I didn't mind.

I loved these boys and I wouldnt trade the world for them.

AYYY! CHEESY ENDING=)))) Howww was it???? Sorry it was short but I'm out of ideas the nowww:(((( COMPETITION TIME EVERYONE!!! MAIL ME SOME IDEAS AND WHOEVER WINS GETS A CHARACTER IN THE STORY!!! WOOPWOOP!<3<3 Leave a comment and vote=)))))))
Stay beautiful my Turltes!<3

Zoe x 

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