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this chapter has been edited and updated. enjoy!xx
The concert was absolutely amazing.

It was my first ever concert, which was a bizarre statement because I was twenty five. But I had spent most of my weekends at soccer tournaments or college showcases, and there was just never time. In a way, though, I'm kind of glad Harry's concert was my first concert because it was an incredible experience.

Harry was performing every song from his new album, for one night and one night only, hence the name of tonight's festivities. Dressed in the outfit he wore for his album cover, Harry pranced, danced, and sang about the stage, feeding off the energy his audience willingly gave him. It was like the more the crowd screamed and the more they sang his songs back to him, the bigger his smile got, the better he sang.

It was like I was meeting Harry for the first time. A different version of Harry, that is. In the several months that I had been friends with, and eventually started dating Harry, I felt like he was one person. He was kind, he was funny, he was passionate about his work. This Harry was still all of those things, but dialed to eleven, amplified by his fans inherent love for him and his music. He did this cute little shoulder shimmy and interacted with his fans and sang beautifully. Not to mention, his stage presence was incredibly sexy. I understood why girls loved him so much. Who wouldn't?

I loved that I got to share this moment with my younger siblings too. Harry had been kind enough to section off a small area on the floor for the five of us, going as far as tasking a security guard to stand by and make sure nothing happened.

Before the concert started, we stood with our security guard and waited for Harry to appear on stage. Even then, there was a buzz in the venue that made the room electric as it slowly filled with people.

A couple of fans whose seats were next to our small little section waved and called out to me. I waved with one hand, Sebby's little one clutched in the other. Now that there was a larger group of people surrounding him, he wasn't as loud and outgoing as he was earlier today. Still, he came with me when I walked a few steps over to the fans to say hello to them.

It was funny because when I did walk over with Sebastian's hand in mine, some of the fans thought he was my son, which I quickly had to correct. The connection made sense, I suppose, he was young and we looked similar, but I feel like Harry's fans would immediately blow a rumor like that out of proportion. There were no hiccups after that, a couple of them asked for pictures with me, which I politely declined, saying I had my family with me.

It was a weird thing to navigate, being known by Harry's fans and having a little bit of a social media presence with them. But I felt like my family, Marissa and Sebastian especially, wasn't really a part of that. I was more comfortable with my older siblings having their picture taken, or whatever. They were all adults and could do what they wanted. Sebastian and Marissa, on the other hand, were a lot younger, and I know my parents wouldn't like their faces being passed around on various social media platforms.

Like I said, it was an odd predicament, but I was wending my way through it the best way I saw fit. It seemed to be working for now, the girls and two boys I met before the show graciously accepted my decline for a photograph, happily understanding. I then turned it on them, moving the group together to take a picture with the stage in the background.

"Oh my God, you're such a mom!" One of the fans cooed. I laughed along with them before waving goodbye and stepping back over to my little circle of siblings.

For lack of better words, the whole night was awesome. We sang along and danced with the rest of the crowd, loving absolutely every minute of it.

About two thirds of the way in, Harry stood up to the mic to talk before playing the next song. "So, on Wednesday night I had a very, very, very good friend of mine listen to the album and give me her honest opinion." Harry tilts his head as if a thought had just occurred to him. "Well, perhaps she's more than just a friend, but the point still stands."

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