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this chapter has been edited and updated. enjoy!xx


The weeks leading up to Harry and co. leaving for London went surprising (and unfortunately) fast. We spent most of it the way we did when we first started hanging out- Harry coming over to hang out or us going out to eat somewhere. Only now there was a considerable amount of hand holding. And kissing. Kissing seemed to be something Harry enjoyed very much, and I couldn't say that I didn't love it either.

However, despite our friendship upgrading from casually hanging out to going out on dates and all the other couple-y stuff, we kept it all mostly to ourselves. With the exception of friends and family, we didn't really tell anyone that we had started dating. Harry and I didn't discuss it, per se, but there was a mutual understanding that our business was our business, and not anyone else's. Sure, we didn't hide, or go through back entrances of restaurants when we were on dates, but Harry never said anything publicly to confirm or deny our relationship, and neither did I.

That didn't stop his fans from finding out, though. The twins were the first ones in my family to find out about Harry and me. I was going to tell them, I was, but I wanted to be a little more sure about where this relationship with Harry was going before I said anything. Because once one person in my family knows something, everyone knows it. So I was a little surprised to get a text from Rox, shortly followed by a similar text from Julia, to the group chat I had with my siblings (sans Sebastian and Marissa) with pictures of Harry and I holding hands and walking around Malibu, a WTF?!? attached to the message.

My siblings were up my ass for a while that day, firing question after question about me and Harry. How long had this been going on? (A little over a week) Are you boyfriend and girlfriend? (I don't know yet) Does mom know? Does dad? And so on.

They meant well. Well, my sisters did. I think Austin was trying to play being the "big brother" and Tico was teasing because that's just who he is. Sara knew a little about the situation, and I had texted her the night Harry and I decided to give things a try, only because I talked to her about it previously. And, if I didn't tell her, aside from Niall, there weren't many people I felt I could tell. Niall and the twins were great, but there was just something about talking to and getting advice from your big sister that left me feeling calm and reassured about everything happening between Harry and I.

As far as Harry's family went, I wasn't sure who knew what. Mitch, Sarah, and everyone else from the studio knew. And if they didn't before we'd all hung out together on Friday night where Harry happily had me tucked into his side the whole night (and if I wasn't, he was still holding my hand while I spoke separately with Sarah or someone else), then they definitely knew then.

I'd only spoken to Harry's mom the one time at my parents' house, but I knew they were close, so she must've known. And as for his sister, based on the relationship with my own older sister, I could guess that she knew as well.

Those weeks after deciding we were dating went by in a blissful blur of lunch dates, TV watching, and playful banter. We'd even made a trip down to my parents' house one Saturday before he had to leave. I had finally called my mom to talk, which was a normal occurrence for me, but this time there was news that I was now seeing someone. She was elated, to say the least, and promptly invited Harry and I over for dinner.


"We don't have to go," I told Harry when I saw him later that day. "Please don't feel pressured or anything." My mom would definitely let me have it if I declined her invitation, or worse, showed up without Harry. But I knew that my mom, and my dad, I suppose, would be overly excited to see and talk to Harry now that we were dating, even if they had met him already.

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