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this chapter has been edited and updated. enjoy!xx


My first single for the new album was dropping tonight, and I was freaking out.

I was nervous. It was a new sound, and I wasn't sure how people were going to react, how they were going to receive it. I wanted to call Luz, to see her, but she'd been distant lately. We hadn't seen much of each other since Niall's birthday. I didn't necessarily mind, both of us were busy-me with prepping for the new single and recording for the new album, and Luz with school- so it didn't come as a shock when we didn't see each other as much as we would've liked. But these last few days she'd been texting me not to come over, which she never did, even if she was busy.

It left me confused, wondering why she didn't want to see me. I never thought of myself as a clingy person, but the longer I spent away from her, the more my heart seemed to ache. Especially since the morning after Niall's party. That morning her brother took his sweet time leaving Luz's apartment, and he knew it too. Like Luz and presumably her other siblings, Robert wasn't an idiot. He knew exactly what was about to go down once he left, and it seemed like he was doing everything in his power to prevent it, in a very teasing, brotherly way. He woke up late, he ate the breakfast he and Luz made excruciatingly slow, and kept coming up with things to talk to Luz and I about; whatever popped in his head at that moment, he said it. Luz didn't seem to notice what her brother was doing, that or she did and she just didn't care, but I sure as hell did. I wasn't normally like this, itching to take Luz to bed the minute we were alone. But since I'd come back to LA yesterday, there was something stirring inside me, and it only seemed to grow when Luz reciprocated the feeling. Robert eventually left in the late morning with a wink and a few choice jokes, which had Luz and I blushing fiercely.

Since then, I couldn't get enough of her, and I thought she felt the same. But now I wasn't so sure. I was pretty sure I was in love with Luz, which felt crazy to even admit to myself, but now she was pulling away.

"I don't know what to do, Gem," I said into my phone. I called my sister when Mitch stopped answering my texts about this. His last one said I was overreacting and not to worry, and I tried doing that. And then I called Gemma.

"Have you tried calling her?" She asked, and I was trying my best to ignore the tone in her voice that sounded like she was talking to a small child.

"Well, no, but-"

"Harry, you can't know anything if you don't talk to her." I sighed, knowing she was right.

"I know, but if she is pulling away, I don't want to burden her with all my stress, you know?"

"What did she say when she spoke to you last?"

"She, um, she said she was busy with school," I said, knowing where my sister was going with this. When she asked me if there was the slightest possibility that Luz was in fact busy, I sighed out a sheepish, maybe.

"Call her," Gemma said before hanging up.

I didn't call her right away. I paced my bedroom, I tried to read one of the books I've been trying to read over the last few weeks, I even tried to meditate, but none of it worked. And the less I was able to fall asleep, the more agitated I got. Luz knew what tonight was, how important it was, and I'd barely heard from her all day. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer. I called her.

"Hello?" I was so wrapped up in my annoyance with Luz that I missed her sniffle before she spoke.

"Where have you been?" I asked, unable to keep anything bottled up anymore. She was quiet for a moment, most likely waiting for me to get the rest of my frustrations out. She was nice like that.

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