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this chapter has been edited and updated. enjoy!xx


For better or for worse, Liliana acted as a buffer between Harry and me the entire afternoon. As we walked down the paved streets of Valencia, my cousin walked around with an arm thrown around my shoulders, pointing out different buildings and landmarks, stopping every now and then to look at something in a store that caught her eye or to say hello to someone she knew. I would try to sneak glances at Harry, who had been walking behind us with his hands behind his back and looking at everything with wide eyes, but every time my head turned Liliana was there to pull my attention away.

I didn't know if I should be thankful or annoyed at her antics, but I knew it was coming from a place of love... I think. Part of me thought she was doing it to ruffle Harry's feathers a bit. The one time I did manage to make eye contact with him, I offered up an apologetic smile, but he didn't seem bothered by any of Liliana's apparent scheming.

We walked around for about an hour or two before we all got hungry. Liliana took us to a restaurant that had patio seating and looked out at the beach a few yards away from us. I found myself staring out at the water, so different than the ocean I was used to back home. There was something quite relaxed about the beach here- the water was a lighter blue, almost turquoise, and tiny waves lapped lazily against the shore. But a beach was a beach, and if I squinted my eyes enough I could picture little heads bobbing up and down on surfboards and hear the crash of raucous waves as they broke and frothed onto the sand.

I was so caught up in my imagination that I didn't know it was just me and Harry at the table until he rested a hand on my arm.

"Sorry," he said when I jumped a little at his touch.

I smiled sheepishly at him. "It's okay. Just a little lost in thought, I guess."

Harry nodded, seeming to understand where I was coming from. His eyes flicked around the restaurant, looking for something, before leaning in close. "Your cousin is something else."

He said it quietly, like he half expected Liliana to jump out behind the potted plant a few feet away from us, which in all honesty, I wouldn't put past her.

"She is, isn't she?" I asked, trying to recall the handful of times we'd been together at family functions. As I thought back, I remembered little snippets of Liliana. Like a homemade dress at a New Year's Eve party or how she showed up to Sebastian's baptism in go-go boots. But underneath all the elaborate clothes and the sometimes kooky behavior, she had a good heart. Always sending Christmas cards to my parents and an elaborate letter on fancy stationery when I found out I was going to the Olympics. "She's a great person, though. Sometimes I wish I knew her better."

"She seems like the kind of person you can't help but feel drawn to," Harry agreed, his voice thoughtful. "It was kind of her to let you stay with her."

I nod. "Family's family, you know? I would've done the same if it was reversed."

"I do know. You're quite possibly the kindest person I've ever met."

"Oh, stop," I tell him, my cheeks heating up.

"I mean it, Luz," Harry said, his fingers lightly grazing my chin to make me look at him. "It's why I feel like- like the absolute worst person in the world for treating you so terribly."

"Harry," I said, my voice soft. My hands reached to hold one of his hands with both of mine, and I didn't miss the way he held onto me like he was afraid I was going to let go. "You're not a terrible person. You were just..." I pause, treading lightly. "You were just going through a lot."

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