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this chapter has been edited and update. enjoy!xx

For the second time in as many months, I was back in England.

    Harry and I flew together this time, traveling all day on Sunday and spending the evening and Monday to adjust to the time difference before the Brit Awards. That's what I told Harry at least. He felt bad leaving me all by myself in his house while he attended to one thing or another on Monday, but I reassured him that I was fine on my own, that I just wanted to rest. And that was true to an extent, but by the afternoon I'd done a small workout in Harry's bedroom, showered, dressed, eaten, and was now trying to get a head start on the work I'd be missing at school. For some reason, this award show was taking place on a Tuesday and not the weekend, which meant I was missing a few days to be here. The idea of possibly falling behind in my studies made my stomach churn, but I wanted to be here to support Harry.

I found it a little odd that Harry had places to be on Monday, but that was the life of an international superstar, I suppose. When I told him as much, he got all blushy and promised he would be back around three. I figured that Harry being gone for a little while was a blessing in disguise because it would give me time to work and have some time to myself. 

Since the whole Valentine's Day fiasco, Harry had been... not clingy exactly, but it felt like all the romantic and boyfriend-esque things he'd done in the past had been dialed to eleven, like he was trying to make up for what happened on Saturday. I told him early on that I didn't blame him or hold what he said against him in any way, and I didn't. But he must have had some harbored feelings of guilt because now he held my hand a little bit tighter, his compliments were a little more frequent, and he was at my side every chance he got. I didn't mind it, not really, but I also cherished having time to myself; being alone with my thoughts had always been how I decompressed. But I knew that we were swiftly approaching the time when Harry would be traveling all over the world and we would be seeing each other less and less, so I let him hold my hand as tight as he wanted, let him give me outlandish and over the top compliments, let him lay on my lap while I read through a textbook or talked to my sister on the phone.

Having thought I had Harry's house to myself, I was surprised to get a text from Niall while I sat in the kitchen and took notes on various types of rehabilitation processes. 

dickhead: let me in loser i'm out front

A tad confused, I opened Harry's front door, Niall and a bag of takeout on the other side. I stood there staring at my friend for a few seconds, trying to understand why he was here. I mean, I knew he was going to be at the Brit Awards on Tuesday. When I found out, I was elated at the prospect of knowing another person other than Harry that night; well, other than Harry and Gemma, who had also been invited. What I couldn't understand was why Niall was here now. I figured he would be as busy as Harry was preparing for the big night.

"Are you gonna let me in?" Niall asked, his eyebrows raised. Shaking my head, I stepped aside, letting Niall through. I shut the door behind him and followed him through the entryway and into the kitchen, my books and laptop now abandoned on Harry's kitchen table. 

    "W-What are you doing here?"

    Niall paused pulling nondescript boxes of food out of his bag to look back at where I was standing by the entrance of the kitchen. "Harry told me he had things to do today and that you were here by yourself. Said you might want some company."

    Company wasn't necessarily what I needed, but I was touched that Harry was looking out for me even when he wasn't here. "I mean, I was just working on homework, but I guess I could stand to see your face for a little," I joked. 

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