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this chapter has been edited and updated. enjoy!xx
I woke up with half my body hanging off the couch the following morning.

Harry and I got back to my apartment pretty late, the two of us practically trudging down the hallway and to my door. It was dark when we came in, and I could hear the faint snores of one of my siblings coming from behind the closed door of my bedroom.

For a moment I panicked, realizing that any of Harry's clothes he kept here would be in my room, and I didn't want to tiptoe around and risk bumping into Marissa and Sebastian, who were sound asleep on the floor. And then it dawned on me that by that logic, I, too, had nothing to wear to bed. Harry didn't even bat an eye, pulling an extra tshirt and sweats from his little bag, almost like he'd anticipated tonight.

I raised an eyebrow at him as he slipped off the shirt he was wearing and put it in his bag, tossing me the fresh one. Harry merely shrugged, playing off the fact that he just happened to have an extra set of sleep clothes at the ready.

I was too tired to think about it more or question it further, electing to wordlessly slip off the tight shirt I had been wearing all night and tug Harry's over my head. After I had his shirt on, I unclipped my bra and slid it off my shoulders, tossing it on the floor next to the couch. I breathed a sigh of relief, content to be free of a bra for the night. Rox might have teased me about having small boobs, but that didn't mean bras were any less of a pain in my ass.

Harry and I got ready for bed in my little bathroom, then silently walked back to the couch. We took a few seconds to find a position that was comfortable for the both of us, which basically meant that I was tucked so closely to Harry, that I was practically a part of him.

I would never tell Harry, but I spent most of the night hanging off the couch after we initially fell asleep. It wasn't his fault, he was tall and the couch was not meant to comfortably fit two sleeping bodies. But when I woke up, I was feeling all kinds of sore.

I slowly and stealthily got up from the couch, trying my best to not wake Harry, even though I knew he often slept like the dead. According to my phone, it was way too early to be awake, the screen reading 6:34, but I knew there was no way I would fall back asleep. I was up for the day.

Tiptoeing into my bedroom, I picked my way across the floor to pull some clothes to change into for a run, and another set of clothes to change into when I got back. With the morning sunlight filtering through my window, I easily avoided stepping on Marissa or Sebastian, who by the looks of it, were going to be out for a little while longer.

Julia must've heard me, though, raising her head looking at me, but not really seeing me. It was like she was still half asleep and was only partly registering that I was moving around the room. She mumbled something incoherently, which I hushed, telling her to go back to sleep and that I'd be back soon. Shutting my bedroom door with a soft click, I quickly brushed my teeth, got dressed, and tied my hair back.

Slipping my shoes on by the front door, I let myself out as quietly as possible. I took the elevator down, stretching as I moved between floors and trying to work out the kinks last night's sleeping arrangements left me with. Stepping out of the lobby doors, I pulled the sleeves of my shirt over my hands, bouncing on my toes a little to warm up.

I turned to the right, getting ready to jog down my usual path when I saw them.

There were two men standing a few feet away from the apartment, professional looking cameras in their hands. I thanked my lucky stars that I had decided to throw a baseball cap on at the last minute, grateful that it would provide some cover from their lenses.

I don't know how they knew where I lived. If they'd seen Harry here before, or if someone had recognized his car pull up last night. I didn't want to believe that one of my neighbors had sold Harry or myself out, either. I hastily pulled my phone out of the pocket of my leggings, eyeing the two men who had yet to notice me, too busy with whatever was on their phones, as I shot a text off to my landlord. I didn't know what Sandra could do about the situation; if the cops could be called if the two men weren't bothering anyone (yet), or if she could just tell them to leave, but I had to do something.

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