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As promised, Niall and Harry were waiting outside my apartment building bright and early Saturday morning. Actually, it was just Harry apparently. Niall texted me saying he was waiting in his car so that I could give him a pass to park in my apartment's structure. So when I stepped out of my building, I found Harry by himself sitting just outside my building next to some planted flowers and looking at his phone. When he heard me approach, he looked up. Smiling a little bit, he waved. He was in his jeans/t-shirt/Vans ensemble again, only this time his shirt was red instead of white. I waved back motioning for him to follow me so we could meet Niall and head over to my car.

"Wow, Niall really must've gotten you up early if you had time for a coffee run," I told him, noticing the to-go cup he was carrying.

Harry looked down at his coffee, then back up at me. "Oh, yeah, I didn't mind it too much. I'm quite an early riser. Here Let me grab your bag."

"Oh, no, don't worry, I got it," I said as I hefted my small duffle bag over my shoulder. "Lucky you, though, about the waking up early thing. I can get up early if I have to, but it's not my most favorite thing in the world."

Harry looked like he wanted to offer to carry my bag one more time, but he didn't mention it again. "I guarantee you're better than Niall. I swear he had just rolled out of bed when I knocked on his door this morning."

"That sounds like Niall," I said, laughing a little as I did, and to my surprise (and delight), Harry laughed too.

"Hey, quit flirting and get over here. Let's get this show on the road," Niall said from his car. Harry blushed at Niall's words, but I just rolled my eyes.

"We weren't flirting, loser, we were shit talking about you. Now here," I said as I handed him the parking pass through the open passenger seat window. "Wait for me to pull out so you can take my spot."

Harry and I made our way to my car, Niall trailing behind us in his. He offered to drive to my parents' house on multiple occasions, but I felt weird letting him. It's just so much gas, and we were going to my house to see my family. It sounded silly, it certainly did to him the first time I brought it up, but he didn't fight me on it anymore. Now he just took the liberty of stealing my aux and putting his own CDs in the glove compartment for when we did make the trips down together. He didn't always get the aux, though. We may not argue about whose car we were taking anymore, but it was definitely a fight to see who could get their phone plugged in first.

"I forgot to ask yesterday, where exactly are we going?" Harry asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Orange County," I said. "More specifically, San Clemente. It's kind of one of the last stops before you hit Camp Pendleton and San Diego.

Harry nodded, seeming to have an idea of where we were going now. "But you live here in LA?"

"Yeah, I'm working on getting my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree at Cal State Northridge right now. After this summer, it'll be my last year, which reminds me. How's your wrist?"

Harry held up his right hand for me to see his handiwork. It was a little thicker than it probably needed to be, and it also looked a little too loose. But he looked so proud to show me what he did this morning, so I smiled in earnest and told him it looked good.

"It's that bad, huh?"

"No, it's not, you did a good job!" I tried to assure him, but he just looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, it's good...for a first try. I can fix it for you, let's just move my car out of the way, before Niall gets impatient."

Harry sighed and jokingly, at least I hope it was jokingly, hung his head before nodding. He began to get in my car, but I stopped him, lightly grabbing his arm and giving him the most endearing smile I could muster this early in the morning. "Really, Harry, it's not that bad, I'm just a perfectionist when it comes to things like this, and I don't want you to hurt your wrist more. Also, take the front seat. Niall can sit in the back for once in his life, and it looks like you might need the extra leg room, anyway."

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