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this chapter has been edited and updated. enjoy!xx

"You bought a house?"


"God give me strength," I muttered quietly in Spanish. "Why would you buy a house?"

I wouldn't say Harry and I were arguing, I was just so floored by what Harry told me five minutes ago I couldn't quite wrap my head around it. He bought a house. A house. Like it was nothing, no big deal. I felt like I was a parent questioning a child that decided to microwave a spoon just to see what would happen the way I was pacing the floor of Harry's hotel room and he watched from the foot of the bed, but I couldn't help it.

"For us, darling," he said, like it was that simple. I also didn't miss the way he started using his pet names again. Before, Harry strictly called me by my name, as if he didn't think he could call me anything else. Now, though, he was pulling all of them out to calm me down. Or to distract me from the fact that he bought us a house. A house. How much did it even cost?

Harry tilted his head to the side like a puppy. "Didn't you just say that's what you wanted?"

He had me there. "I didn't mean now. You're on tour, and I'm still trying to find a job."

Harry looked like he wanted to say something, and I could read it on his face before it came out of his mouth. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't say I don't have to work or that you can provide for the both of us or some shit like that." Harry had the nerve to laugh. He was so infuriating sometimes. And beautiful. Infuriatingly beautiful. I shook my head of those thoughts.

"That's not what I was going to say, lovey. Now will you come here?"

I don't know why, but I was feeling testy; for whatever reason, Harry buying a house for the two of us wound me up. Crossing my arms, I stayed put, my eyebrows raised at him in a challenge. Harry sighed and pushed himself off the bed. He walked the short distance to where I was standing and planted himself in front of me. We found ourselves in a bit of a staring match, though Harry looked more amused than anything, which only served to tick me off even more. I don't think I could even really say why Harry buying a house made me react this way, but it did, and his smug little grin did nothing to help me.

Harry stared for a couple more seconds before mumbling That's it, wrapping his arms around me, and lifting me up.

"What are you- Put me down!"

He does end up putting, more like tossing me, down onto the bed, crawling over to me so that his arms can circle my waist, and pulls me close until we're practically nose to nose. Harry's still grinning, which he really hasn't been able to stop doing since we left Liliana's apartment. I couldn't either, until he told me he bought us a house.



"Don't be like that, Luz love," Harry says, his lips brushing lightly against the top of my cheek.

"Don't be like what?" I asked, though I knew exactly what he meant. I couldn't say why I felt unsettled by Harry buying a house, but I did. I think it was that Harry and I didn't speak for months, but in that time, or at least part of it, we were apparently on the same page. And because neither of us had the balls to reach out, we stayed apart longer than was probably necessary. That and the fact that he just knew me so well. It was almost irritating the way he seemed to know me sometimes. 

"Talk to me," he whispered. Looking into his eyes, I saw that the playful amusement was gone, replaced by a sincerity that told me he wanted to get to the bottom of this, wanted to know why I reacted the way I did. We weren't keeping things from each other, not anymore.

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