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this chapter has been edited and updated. enjoy!xx

Harrybee: I'm waiting in the terminal parking lot. Stephen should be waiting for you by the baggage carousel.

Harrybee: I can't wait to see you :D

Me: it's too early for you to be this cheerful

Harrybee: :D :D :D

Me: i found stephen. we're walking to you now

Me: i can't wait to see you too

I click my phone off and stick it in my sweatshirt pocket. Getting off the plane in London, I was a little grumpy from lack of sleep, but being one step closer to Harry filled me with a bubbly sense of anticipation.

It was the morning, nearly afternoon, of December thirtieth, but my brain and my body told me it was the middle of the night back home. Harry had been kind enough to book me a really nice seat for my nonstop flight to Europe, but I've never been one who could comfortably sleep on an airplane. So I spent most of the trip in a fitful sleep, watching a movie, or playing a game on my phone. My eyes stung from being open for so long, and I desperately wanted to wash my face or take a shower. But most of all I wanted to take a nice long nap. Still, I couldn't help but be excited at the thought of Harry and I being together again, even if it had only been about a week and a half since I'd last seen him.

"Holy fuck, it's freezing," I whisper to myself, shivering the minute Stephen and I step outside into the gray winter morning. It was quiet enough that only Stephen could hear me, and I see him crack the smallest smile. I was a little surprised to see the older man grin, even if it was barely there. Since I'd joined him by baggage claim, he'd said about five words to me. He wasn't mean or anything, just quiet.

I shivered, crossing my arms over my chest the best I could with my suitcase in my other hand. Winter in London was definitely not the same as winter in California, not that I expected anything different. Still, the cold seemed to reach past my clothes and set deep into my bones, making my teeth clatter and my body shiver.

Even though I was tired beyond reason, I picked up my pace, eager to be in a heated car. As the two of us walked, I took in my surroundings a bit. Not that there was much to see, we were still technically in the airport, but watching cars pass by with drivers on the other side of the road was enough to occupy my mind and was enough of a distraction from my frozen fingers until Stephen and I finally reached Harry's car.

He was waiting outside, leaning against the car door and looking down at his phone, but when he heard the wheels of my suitcase against the pavement, his eyes raised. Harry's face broke out into a wide grin, stretching from ear to ear, and I was sure mine looked about the same. When I reached him, I let go of my suitcase's handle and fell into his awaiting arms, sighing at the familiarity of him. I felt rather than saw Harry kiss the top of my head, my hairline, anywhere he could possibly get to. Laughing softly, I leaned back far enough to reach up and hold his face in my hands. I studied his face for a moment, trying to file away anything my brain might have forgotten in the short time we were apart.

"Hi," he says, still smiling.

"Hi," I whisper back, feeling at a loss for words all of a sudden. The unshakable chill I'd had since leaving the airport was slowly replaced by Harry's warmth. I don't know if it was the lingering cold, or my exhaustion, or perhaps just being in Harry's presence took my breath away, but I couldn't seem to think straight; I'd been struck mute. Harry remained silent too, his hands settled around my hips, thumbs rubbing light little circles on my waist.

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