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this chapter has been edited and updated. enjoy!xx

Stirring from a relatively blissful sleep, I found my tired limbs tangled intimately with Harry's. I blinked my eyes groggily, taking in the scene around me. Harry's curtains were drawn closed, blocking out the early morning brightness, and my clothes from the day before were folded neatly on the little bench at the end of his bed. The twinkly lights I put up with Harry about a week ago to give his room a more festive feel were still on, emanating a soft glow. When I'd asked him about Christmas decorations, he simply shrugged, claiming that he was never actually here during the holidays, so he never saw any reason to decorate.

I wouldn't say I wore him down, because I didn't really bring it up again after that initial conversation. I simply showed up on a weeknight with a bag of cheap decorations from Target and started putting stuff up. It wasn't over the top- my own apartment only had some tinsel and lights- a wreath over a door here, a stuffed Santa on a shelf there, and of course the lights. Harry's favorite decoration was probably the little mistletoe I bought, but I can't say I didn't love it either.

Turning to look at Harry as he nestled closer into my chest, I saw that he was still sound asleep. His mouth was slightly open as he breathed little puffs of air against the fabric of my sleep shirt, his hair was strewn messily over his forehead. My eyes softened at the sight, tracing his cheekbone with the pad of my thumb. Having determined he was in a deep enough slumber, I began the slow and careful process of detangling myself from him. I started with my legs, gently slipping them from where they were intertwined with Harry's much longer ones.

I twisted my body so that I was no longer facing him and began moving away from Harry at a glacial pace, leaving him and the heat emanating from his body behind. I was almost there, having begun removing his hands from where they circled around my torso, when his grip suddenly tightened and pulled me all the way back to his chest.

I huffed, blowing the piece of hair that had fallen in my face away and trying to maintain my annoyance as Harry began a slow trail along the back of my neck with his lips. Squirming a little, I tried to wiggle myself free, but to no avail. Harry, who was apparently more awake than I had surmised, pulled me even closer, swinging a leg across my body so that he was nearly on top of me.

"Harry," I whined, resigning myself to being stuck under my lump of a boyfriend. When he didn't answer me, I thought he'd fallen back asleep and I'd have to start the whole process over again. But then he'd started on my neck again, making his way to the spot behind my ear, and I couldn't fight the contented sigh that escaped past my lips.

This was motivation enough for Harry's hands to roam, slipping under my sleep shirt and tracing shapeless patterns against my skin, his curious hands leaving a trail of pleasured goosebumps in their wake. My own hands, the traitors, began their own exploration, moving along Harry's back, over his shoulders, down his sides, and back into the soft curls of his hair.

"You almost had me this time," Harry mumbled against my jaw, the way his teeth grazed my skin making my breath hitch in my throat. "Though why you keep trying to leave every morning still remains a mystery."

Harry moved himself off of me until his head was back on my chest, assured that I was done trying to escape for the time being. Still, I mumbled a complaint as I ran my fingers through his hair. "I feel fine. I don't see what the issue is."

"You heard what the doctor said, Luz love. Keep physical activity to a minimum. That means no sneaking out for early morning walks." Harry adds the last bit when I open my mouth to refute his point.

"Does sex not count as physical activity?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Harry tilted his head so that he was looking me in the eye, his fingers creeping back under my shirt and brushing over the little diamond piercing in my belly button. 

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