Chapter 2/ Annie and Mikasa

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My story also involves a little of Eren/Annie moments but it's all good based on the title. I hope you are enjoying the story so far!

                                         //Eren POV//

Eren made through the soldiers cornering Annie. Her face was dirty from dirt and grass. She was afraid…Eren saw that and slowly walked towards her, she hasn’t noticed him because she was sitting down, he arms wrapped around her legs.

“What’s he doing?” “Is he crazy?” Eren heard the soldiers whisper but he ignored them all.

“Oh god…what have I done?” he heard Annie say to herself. “Do I deserve to die?!”

“Annie…” he spoke up as he stopped in front of her. She stopped shaking and slowly looked up to see a very angry Eren.

“H-Hey…” she gave a weak smile. She was crying. She regrets what she’s done…why?

“Hey…Annie, what do you fight for?” Eren asked her calmly. Her eyes widened and she looked down. She just thinking about it…calm down, Eren.

“You wouldn’t believe me…after all I did. It’ll be like a joke to you…” he cut her off.


“E-Eren?!” she seemed surprised by his tone. He grabbed her by the front of her shirt and raised her. Everyone gasped in surprise to see Eren not afraid to get near Annie. As for Annie, she was very surprise by his strength and his words.

“What are you fighting for, Annie?! Why the bullshit of giving up on your life! I know that killing people isn’t your reason…SO FUCKING TELL ME-“ she then screamed the answer.

“Because I’m in love with you! I wanted to take you away…to be only with you! To take you home and end this…but I know that the Survey Corps would trap me like a rat like you! So I wanted to just take you away!” she was pouring tears and it ran down his hands but he didn’t care. He was so shocked by her confession.

“Y-you’re…you’re in love…with me?” he asked her. He lowered her down slowly.

“My father said to never trust anyone…that it was ok to be hated by the world for who I am…but-“ he cut her.

“That’s complete bullshit!” he said as he grabbed her hand. She blushed as she stared at him in the eyes. “You choose your own decisions…not your old man! Dammit, when we thought that you might be the Female Titan…I didn’t want to believe it! I care for you and Armin and Mikasa…everyone that knew about the Female Titan couldn’t believe it. We didn’t want to believe that you were a monster. We could never hate you, Annie!”

“Eren…” she began to cry more. “I promise…I’ll change…I just want to be with you!”

“Annie…” Eren’s cheeks turn pink as he gently hugged her.

“Eren!” he let go of Annie and turned around to see Mikasa walking towards the two with two blades in her hands. “Get away from her!”

“Mikasa, wait!” he stood between Mikasa and Annie.

“She’s dangerous! Remember what she did!” she shouted at him.

“Of course I do! But I’m willing to forgive her!” he shouted back at her. Both girls couldn’t believe what he just said.

“You’re…going to forgive…me?” Annie was shocked and Eren nodded.

“It’ll take some time…and you have to make things right to everyone here. Annie…I know that you are good. Even though no one can see you as good yet. You have a chance.” He said.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now