Chapter 7 Love and Details

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// No Ones POV//

Armin, Jean and the rest were waiting for Mikasa and Eren to arrive. Levi was tapping his feet impatiently. Armin looked around to see them but stopped as he felt someone hold his hand. He turns his head to see Christa beside him and smiled brightly at him.

"What's taking those two so long?"Reiner asked happily. He looked at Armin. "I thought your plan was for the two to talk...or is it something else. Heheh."

"D-Don't think like that!" Christa exclaimed in disgust. "Geez Reiner!"

"Just joking! I was just-" Armin cut him off as he saw the his best friends walking in from the gates.

"They're here!" he shouted excited to see them. But what surprised him was the two were holding hands.

"Well, look at that!" both Jean and Ymir laughed.

"Shut up, Horse-face!" Eren blushed furiously. Mikasa was just the same as well. Levi walked to the two angrily.

"Where have you been? And why are you late?" he ordered the pair.

"M-Mikasa ran out of gas...I carried her slowly out of the forest, sir. We couldn't go fast enough to get here in time." was Eren response. Levi looked at Mikasa and she angrily nodded at him yes. She really doesn't like him.

"All right then..." Levi said and Armin walked to his friends.

"Hey Eren...Mikasa. I see you two made up." He smiled. He looked at the rest of their friends.  Then he looked back to see Eren whisper something to Mikasa and she blushed. Then she nodded. Everyone then began to cheer and clap as the two kissed each other passionately.

"How's that as a made up?" Eren laughed nervously.

"Good enough." Armin was proud of the two. Annie then walked up to Mikasa gave her an angry glare at her. And Mikasa the same glare. "A-Annie?"

"Hey Mikasa..." Annie growled.

"Annie...yeah..." Mikasa growled and Armin sensed a dark aura on her. But then Annie smiled and Mikasa stood back in surprise.

"Let's hang out today. I asked the girls and they're going as well." Annie raised her hand to shake hers. "So...friends?"

"Huh...Eren?" she looked at him, which he just smiled and nodded yes. She looked back to Annie. "Annie...Eren was hunted, attacked, and hurt because of you...but if he can forgive you...I can."

"Thanks..." Annie was tearing up a little. Mikasa shook her hand. "Thank you so much..."

//Eren POV//

It was like we were all completely friends again...but we are missing Marco. Not to mention Connie, he's out of these gates and heading to his hometown as a break. And I'm stuck here with the girls and the guys are leaving back to Trost. I ain't complaining because I get to spend this whole week with Mikasa without worrying about Titans. He then noticed Ymir and Annie looking at Mikasa and giving an evil smile without her seeing. But the girls are gonna start teasing us's like a death trap!

"Hey, Eren! Don't have too much fun without us!" Reiner said as he slapped him hard on the back.

"S-Sure-*ouch*-Just don't forget-*ouch*-about me!" Eren said as he slapped Reiner back. Bertholdt bowed respectfully to and ran after Reiner. Jean stood there for a few second and then raised his fist up for a fist pump.

"See ya in a week, loner." Jean said.

"Don't die out there, Horse-fa...Jean." Eren smiled as he bumped knuckles with him.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now