Chapter 5 Broken hearts

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//Mikasa POV//

Mikasa only watched as Eren collapse after he suddenly bit her by the hand. Everyone was only paying attention to Eren that they didn't see her actually smile from under her scarf. But she knew she saw some sort of lightning spark around her hand.

It's like a matter how others see it. I see it was a love hickey. So I'm really love with Eren...I have to break up with Jean, it's going to hurt him bad...but I have to stop running like Christa said.

"Hey, Eren...what the hell did you do to Mikasa-"but Eren cut Jean off.

"I don't know!" he shouted as he ran out of the cabin. Mikasa look up to see Eren disappear.

"Jean...can I talk to you in private?" she asked him.

"Uh...sure..." he seemed sort of nervous for some reason. They excuse themselves from the others, but they were all leaving. Basically the boys are getting ready to head to Trost...Levi's orders. Mikasa grabbed Jean by the wrist and took him to the training area...where they were all alone.

"Jean...I have to tell you something important. I'm breaking up with you-"

"Mikasa, I'm sorry! I couldn't help it! I thought I was in love with you but I didn't understand my feelings! The next thing I knew, I was falling for Ymir! I'm so sorry!" he kept apologizing as he bow down.


"I'm so sorry but-"


"-I didn't mean to hurt you. I swear-"

"JEAN!" Mikasa shouted to get his attention and he flinched. And sort of tripped himself and fell. "Listen...I don't mind you liking Ymir. I think you two would be a good couple. But that isn't the reason why I'm breaking up with you."

"Then why?" Jean asked curious.

"I'm...I'm in love with someone else...and I already hurt him once. But I want to be with him now that I realize my true feelings even more." She told him with her cheeks heating up in the thought of Eren.

"It's Eren...isn't it?" Jean asked her with a small smile. She nodded..."Well, we're friends now, what ya waiting for. Go after him!"

"Right!" she said with confidence. She ran looking for him.

Where are you...Eren. Mikasa thought. She has already looked for Eren for thirty minutes, in the cabins, and he wasn't back in his cabin. She then checked in with Levi to ask if he has seen him.

"No...get out of here." He said in his usual harsh tone.

She has then already wasted time as she then looked for him in the training area...and the small training forest. Until she felt completely stupid for not checking the diner were they all ate. But he wasn't there either. She was getting worried now.

Wait...he must be with Annie! He has to be there...if he is, why? She ran there and minutes later, she was underground but stopped by two soldiers.

"Stop, what's your name soldier?" the girl ordered her. Mikasa stopped and gave the two a dark glare.

"Mikasa Ackerman...I'm here to see if Eren Jaeger was here." She told them.

"Y-Yes, he's v-visiting the prisoner, Annie..." the guy stuttered in fear of her.

"Move..." Mikasa told them as she walked past them. She didn't know what to expect to see Eren with Annie.

Just walk in there...ask him to talk to me in private and I'll confess to him. I can do this...I can do this-

"I'll try...I want to start over and stop feeling so guilty to kick my own ass...a-and E-Eren?" She heard Annie's voice as Mikasa got closer. She walked to the side of the cell and looked over to see Annie face close to Erens.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now