Chapter 12 Anger and the Fall

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//Mikasa POV//

That wasn’t Eren…his name is Michael, that is what that person said. What is wrong with Eren? Why is he acting like this…no…it was as if it was another person. He looked like Eren but he wasn’t him! Well Eren tell me?

“So…what is going on, Eren?” Mikasa listened Erwin ask Eren as they chained Eren to a pole.

“Is this really necessary, sir?” Eren asked nervously. “Why do I have to be chained?”

“In case this ‘Michael’ character decides to attack us-“Levi began but Eren cut him off.

“He won’t!” he said and Mikasa walked towards him. She sat on her knees and looked at him in the eyes.

“Eren…” she needed to know. Eren stared at her and sign.

“I don’t know who or what Michael is…but I know he isn’t a threat to humanity.” Eren told Commander Erwin.

“Can you prove it?” he asked him and Eren nodded.

“He was the reason Mikasa and the girls are still alive and here…” Mikasa stared blankly as for the girls, they gasped in silence.

“How is he the reason?” Erwin asked him.

“My friends were there when it happen…a week ago, we all met up in my cabin and I lost…control of my body. My body walked up to Mikasa and bit her hand. Everything went back to normal, but then…last night. I was struck with a huge headache and felt like someone kicking me. I didn’t see no one there until I heard someone voice talking about Mikasa. Saying that she was the last of her kind. I heard her cry out my name and that’s when Michael started to talk to me.” Eren told his story quickly and Mikasa just looked at him.

“Is he dangerous?” Mikasa asked him and Eren shrugged.

“He works out in desire…anger and vengeance. That’s why he wants to find the Armor and Colossal Titan.” Eren told her. Mikasa reached behind him and grabbed hold of his hand. She squeezed it tightly in hers. Eren smiled. But Mikasa still didn’t trust Michael…the way he looked at her…and the way he talks was evil.

“And if he takes control of you if you meet with them?” she asked him. She was afraid of the answer. But she had to be certain if he wasn’t feeling the same as Michael wanted. Michael’s eyes were bloodthirsty…she knew that.

“He would kill them.” Eren said as he looked away from her face.

“We will CAPTURE them. Tell that sucker that he can’t kill witnesses who know something about the Titans.” Levi told him. Eren nodded.

“Can you let my boyfriend go now?” Mikasa asked Levi and he nodded. Minutes later…she walked out holding Eren’s hand while dragging him through the road.

“H-Hey! Mikasa!” Eren shouted but she ignored him. She kicked open his cabin and pulled him inside. She locked the door behind him and covered the windows with the curtains. “M-Mikasa?”

“Eren…are you alright?” she asked as she checked his face. “Are your arms sore? Headache? Does it hurt you when Michael takes over?”

“N-No…nothing at all-“Mikasa checked his arms.

“I don’t trust Michael…even if he saved me. I don’t want you to go through with this plan! It’s insane!” She shouted and Eren pushed her away from him, his anger flashing in his eyes.

“I can handle myself, Mikasa! I’m not your little brother…you’re not my mother!” he shouted. “I don’t need you to protect me!”

“I promised your mother-“Eren cut her off. He grabbed her by the hand and pushed her down on the bed.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now