Chapter 21 Awake and Alive

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(Starting with Armin...he is still alive as well as the others.)

//Armin POV//

Armin walked on top of the wall and watched soldiers struggling to cover the holes in the wall with construction. Trost and Wall Rose were successfully taken back three days ago, thanks to his idea of leading the Titans back outside and fire at the remaining ones with cannons. He was praised for his brilliant idea but he couldn't think at that...he was worried if Eren and Mikasa were alright. It past already four days now and including this day, as the sun was beginning to set, it would be five days.

"Armin, you still worried?" He heard his girlfriend, Christa, ask him. He turn around to see her carrying a tray of bread and soup...homemade by her truly.

"'s been five days." Armin told her as he took the tray and sat down on the edge of the wall. Christa sat beside him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry too much...I bet that they're just returning now. Eren wouldn't let nothing happen to Mikasa. And that goes for Mikasa to Eren as well." Christa tried to reinsure him.

"I hope you're right..." he responded. They watched the sun set together.

On the day after Eren went after Mikasa. After the Titans were finished in the Trost District...there weren't any more Titans in sight in the distance. Armin believed that maybe they're chasing after Eren or Reiner; he hoped that he was wrong. He closed his eyes as he remembers Reiner telling him that he should give up to the Titans on that day. Reiner shouting at the soldiers to meet their end...and he bit down to transform into the Armor Titan. Armin was so close that he was sent launching to the ground rather roughly. He was unable to get up and Jean carried him away. It wasn't until he heard Eren's voice and saw him in his Titan form...fighting Reiner and he past out.

Now...he heard that Eren ran off after Reiner, who had Mikasa as a hostage. Hanji sent a rescue team after them...and having Hannes leading the squad. But when they came was 25% of the squad that came back...Hannes wasn't with them. Only his corpse that was buried later that day. Levi saw to it that it was dangerous to go out so he ordered that all soldiers show concentrate on fixing or covering the holes on the wall.

" haven't your food." He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Christa voice.

"Huh? Oh, yeah...sorry..." he apologized and ate his meal.

"Don't worry about-"he heard her gasp. He looked at her and saw a shocked expression.

"Christa?" he called out to her but she was staring forward. Her mouth wide open in shock, her eyes also.

"A-Armin..." she managed to say. He was getting worried...

"Yeah Christa?" he asked. She pointed down to the distance. He followed her gaze and it fell upon to a shadow figure in the distance. It was too far for him to see, but he saw one of the soldiers with a telescope. "Uh...excuse me?"

"Hm?" the soldier stopped walking ad turn around to acknowledge him.

"Can I borrow that?" the soldier nodded and gave it to him. Armin raised it to his eye and looked over to the distance. He gasped as he saw the figure.

"Hey, Armin! Christa." He heard Jean. He heard Sasha, Connie, Ymir and Levi voice as well. But he couldn't speak. "Uh...guys."

"Look at this..." Armin got up and pushed the telescope in Jean's hands. One by one...all of them couldn't move as they saw them approaching the wall.

Armin took the telescope back and looked at it again...

Eren...Mikasa...Armin thought in fear as he saw them...

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