Chapter 8 Plans and Enemy Betrayal

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//Eren POV//

Armin spoke about this restaurant, this where he took Christa last night. It looks expensive! Eren thought as he looked at the fancy restaurant before him. It was like apartment instead of a restaurant. He walked in to ask a reservation.

“Um...excuse me?” Eren called out the man.

“Oh, yes? May I help you?” he walked behind the counter. “Looking for a reservation?”

“Yes!” Eren blurted out without thinking.

“Name…” the man asked for his name. Eren was still worried about the price.

“Eren…Jaeger…” he said slowly.

“Who’s the lucky girl?” he smiled at him.

“H-How did you know?!” Eren yelled out by accident. His eyes were wide open as he found out he drew attention around him. This causing him to blush furiously by the people around him.

“You are young…it’s easy to figure out. So, her name?” he asked again politely.

“Mikasa Ackerman…” he told him. But then the man stopped writing the names and stood there frozen. “Uh…is something wrong?”

“You said your name is Eren Jaeger, am I correct?” he asked him.

Oh crap! What if he finds out I was the cause of the destruction on the town? What am I going to do? I can’t think of a lie that good! Eren grew worried.

“Y-Yes…” he then admitted.

“Good.” He said brightly.

“Good?” Eren asked confused.

“You are a soldier, with the Survey Corps! My son is there!” he told me.


“Yes…he was in Trost but came back to me alive. Saying it was thanks to Eren Yeager. At least that was what he said. The other soldiers were bad mouthing your name…calling you a Titan! Hah! Can you believe it!” he laughed and Eren tried to laugh with him.

“Y-Yeah…well, me and my girlfriend will be back around 7 to eat. How much will it be?” Eren smiled as he said girlfriend. He couldn’t believe he got to rest from fighting and able to spend it with the woman he loved.

“Don’t bother.” The man told him. “As a return gratitude, I’ll let you eat for free. It’s the least I can do to thank you for saving my son’s life.”

“Seriously!” Eren lightened up with joy. “Thanks!”

//Mikasa POV//

“Why the hell am I here again?” Mikasa asked Annie and Christa as the two dragged her along the market.

“There’s a store here that sells beautiful dresses. We are going to find a very hot dress for you to wear for your date.” Annie told her.

“H-Hot…” Mikasa blushed furiously. Her first thought was to pull away, to tell them no way and was ok with wearing her uniform. But then a second thought enters her head. She thought, why not? She wanted to see Eren’s reaction for some reason. She didn’t realize that a smile spreading on her lips.

“Ohhh…you like the idea don’t you?” Annie teased her. Mikasa pulled away from Annie and pull up her scarf to hide her blush.

“We’re here!” Christa told her as they entered the store. The two girls were giggling as they also tried on the dresses. So after, Mikasa found herself having fun also. She would put on dresses and pose for the two.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now