Chapter 3 Some Secrets Revealed

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                                        //Mikasa POV//

Mikasa shot out of bed as she heard the door close. She looked around and saw that she was alone. She rubbed the back of her neck and realized that she didn’t have her red scarf. She panicked and looked for it on her bed. But she couldn’t find it, she checked under the bed and…nothing.

Oh god…where is it! I have to find it quickly! She remembered that she and the others were going to see Eren. Come on…where is it?

“Hi Mikasa!” she heard Christa as she enter the cabin holding breakfast in her hands. “Could you help me here, please?”

“Christa!” Mikasa ignored her greeting and place the food on the floor before grabbing the blonde girl by the shoulder. “Have you seen my scarf?!”

“Your scarf?” she looked around quickly and it landed on the chairs. She smiled at Mikasa. “Silly! It’s right there. I remember seeing you taking it off your neck before I fell asleep.”

“Oh…well, thanks.” Mikasa thanked her as she walked to the chairs. She slowly wrapped the scarf around her neck.

“Oh right!” Mikasa turned to look at Christa smiling brightly to her. “We were all planning to eat our breakfast then go to Eren’s cabin.”

“May I ask you something?” Mikasa asked her.

“Shoot away!” she responded quickly as she sat on a chair.

“Why do you want to go see Eren? I mean…why do you all want to go there with me?” Christa thought for a minute to her question before answering.

“Well, I just want to see Eren. As for the rest, they want to talk to him about Annie. You know…we all saw her like that. She seemed very scared and well…innocent?” Mikasa grew angry at the name. And it showed.

“So what?” Mikasa growled as she picked up her tray off the floor and ate quietly.

“Well…honestly I was lying…” Christa gave a nervous smile.


“I wanted to see your reaction. Are you really jealous…?” Christa asked her slowly. Mikasa couldn’t speak as she realized it. Am I really jealous…that he defended her and that now maybe…because maybe he has some sort of feelings for her and would probably want to be with her! I did many things to him, do I really have the right to be in his way…to choose who he wants to be with.

“I am…but I can’t be in his way…” Mikasa remembered what he said. That he deserved this... “Like him…I don’t deserve to be with him anymore like that.”

“That’s not true!” Christa complained. “You love him and he loves you!”

“You’re right but…” Mikasa knew she was right but… “…I’m with Jean now…”

“That’s because you’re running away!” Christa shouted at her face. This brought her attention.

“…running away…” Mikasa repeated.

“Yeah! You are only using Jean! And beside…he isn’t in love with you…” Christa fell silent.

“What makes you say that, Christa? This isn’t like you…” Christa cut her off.

“Forget it! Come on…” Christa told her as she pulled Mikasa up.

“But your food-”

“That wasn’t for me. It’s for Eren. Now, come on and follow my lead.” She smiled brightly.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now