Chapter 19 Flames

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(Only a few more chapters or something...)

//Eren POV//

Annndd…she fell asleep. Well, that’s good! She needs it. Eren thought as he picked her up bridal style and carried her back to their room. He placed her down and pulled the covers over her. She moans and rolled to the side to get more comfortable. Eren smiled as she slept peacefully. He got down on his knees beside the bed and rubbed her hair.

“Daddy…” he heard Alice whisper. He turns around to see her holding something small in her hands.

“What’s that?” Eren whisper back as he walked towards her. He motioned her to get out and he followed her. He silently closed the door and tip-toe to Alice.

“It’s for Mommy.” She told him as she showed him.

It was a star…the tips were round and the middle was like a perfect heart shape. The top tip had a hole through where she started to tie a piece of string. Eren smiled at how creative she was but then he noticed her palms.

She cut herself! Eren quickly grabbed her arms and checked her arms. He didn’t listen to her complain and grabbed some tissues. He began to wipe the blood off, even though it wasn’t much and only little. But when he moved the tissues off…the cuts wouldn’t stop bleeding. But then he couldn’t move anymore…and like Mikasa, he gently bit Alice’s hand as well. But he didn’t questioned it and let it happen. She didn’t notice the sparks flashing around her hands.

Ok…it gives info on what happens to Mikasa so hopefully it would let me know what happens to Alice.

“Daddy! Why you bite me?” she cried out. Then her eyes widened. “You ARE going to eat me!”

“No, Alice…I did that so if you’re in danger…I’ll know.” Eren explained to his daughter.

“Really? You won’t let me be eaten by monster?”

“You got it!” Eren smiled. But he changed the subject to what she made. “SO! That’s for Mommy?”

“Yes! I think it will make her feel better!” she told her.

“Was it worth cutting your hands?” Eren asked and she nodded.

“If it’s for Mommy, I’ll do anything!” Alice said with confidence. Eren chuckled and patted her head.

She was like him, Eren remember how his mother was once sick and had to stay in bed. So Eren took Mikasa hand and had her help him make a ‘get well’ card. But then he was nervous to give it to her so he sent Mikasa to give it to her.

“You’re like me you know.” Eren told her.

“Really?” Alice smiled with joy as he nodded.

“You put others before you…you risk getting cut to make a ‘get well’ gift to Mommy. I did the same for my mother…and a few other people.” Eren told her.

“What did you do for others?” Alice asked him.

“I put my life on the line to save my best friend…anyway! Let’s wait for Mommy to feel better and you give it to her, ok?” Eren asked her and Alice’s eyes widened in excitement. She nodded rapidly and hugged Eren.

So Eren and Alice left the house to explore…but that was Eren told Alice, while he was actually watching out for danger, more importantly watching out for Reiner. Eren was still afraid that he will show up and hurt his family. Alice ran around the large grass and picked flowers. Eren watched her but also was still keeping a eye out of the environment.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now