Chapter 11 Dark, Primeval, And Michael

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//Eren POV//

Eren walked Mikasa to his cabin; he checked the area first before closing the door. Mikasa was already in bed sound asleep. Eren crawled in and had little space but it was enough for him to lie on. He wasn’t troubled with sleeping with Mikasa; they did it a lot when they were little. Sleeping together for warmth, he used to say to her…she didn’t care; her excuse was she was happy and could have a good dream about…

What was that dream about, anyway? She always fell fast asleep before she finished-Eren train of thought was once interrupted by Mikasa crying…

She’s crying, I remember this…I used to pull her to look at me and I pulled the blankets over us. Eren then actually pulled her to look at him. She stared at him with her scarf covering her mouth. Her face covered with strain of tears. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over them. Her eyes widened. Eren knew she remembered this. It was over them…the covers and everything was dark. But they got used to it and Eren smiled as he saw her beautiful eyes and her raven black hair. He didn’t say anything for a while until a moment later…

“Don’t worry…I’m here for you…” he told her and her tears pour out more.

“Thank you!” she cried as she hugged him tight. He smiled and hugged her back.

“I love you…I simply can’t live without you…” he said. They pulled away she kissed him gently. But then their kiss became intense. But he separated while pushing the blanket off them…she grew worried if she did something wrong but he smiled.

“It’s not that you did something wrong…I want to make sure you aren’t injured or have anything broken.” He said.

“I’m fine…just kiss me…” she tried to pull him into a kiss. He made it look like she won but he pulled away, teasing her.

“I’m still checking…” he said. He unbuttoned her shirt and checked her stomach due to where the kidnappers were kicking her before. She wasn’t bruised at all. But he noticed she had no abs. He always thought she had them because of what Sasha told him.

“I thought you had abs?” he asked and she blushed.

“That was A LIE!” she blushed wildly. “D-Did Sasha t-tell y-you that?!”

“Well…yeah…I mean; I have abs.” he said cocky. He pulled his shirt up and Mikasa whole face went red. But she wouldn’t stop staring at his stomach. While she was busy looking at him. He rubbed her stomach to check for any broken ribs…there were none.

“A-Are you…are you done?” she asked him.

“Yeah…let’s go to sle-“Eren was cut off by Mikasa rolling them over the bed until she was on top. Her eyes were focus on her lust to him…Eren could actually see it them like that, his face blushed furiously.

“Eren…I want you…” she told him.

“W-Wait up, Mikasa! Let’s take it s-slow-“he was cut off. She grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off of him.

“No…Eren, we don’t if the next expedition could be our last. I know what you’re going to say…but we don’t know what could happen. I want us to have this moment…Eren, please…” she said as she lay on top of him. She held both his hand in hers and Eren blushed.

“Oh…” Eren looked at the ceiling…he knew she was right. The next expedition could be her last or-

NO! Don’t think like that! I will protect her! I’ll protect everyone and all of us will live and go to the outside world! Eren thought angrily as he hugged her tightly. But he knew that she might be right, but he didn’t believe that at all

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now