Chapter 4 Eren X Annie

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A brief moment of a Annie and Eren moment. To whom is reading this story, please check my other story. Click on my User Name or type in HTK200 to read my story, My Little Demons. I don't why it doesn't show up on the list if I type in the name. Please leave a comment explaining why and how i can do it.

//Eren POV//

At first, he ran to the dinner to eat as he sat down sort of weak. But it was over in a hour and now, Eren walked slowly through the underground tunnels; he for some reason couldn't get Mikasa out of his mind. What exactly did he do to her or why?

What did I do to you, Mikasa? I have to talk to Annie about it. She's the only one who might know...and I have to get back out to my house...back and find the secrets of the Titans! So where...where are you, Dad? Why did you keep all this hidden from the world! Eren was then cut off by two soldiers stopping him at his steps.

"Stop right there. Name!" the girl ordered him.

"Eren Jaeger! From the 104th Trainee Corps! I came to see Annie Leonhart! Permission granted, sir?" Eren saluted to them.

"Eren Jaeger! As in that Titan kid from Trost?" she asked him as she looked at him up and down.

"Y-yes? Why you ask?" Eren was confused as she looked around him as though examining him.

"I'm with the Military Police and saw you...I think...fighting that 'Female Titan'. My name is Hitch Dreyse and I was with Annie on the same squad to escort you through town. But she then disappeared out of nowhere and the next thing I know...Titans are fighting each other on the streets! I was assigned to guard Annie after they told us about the Female Titan." Hitch told him.

"Seriously?" Eren was surprise. "You knew Annie?"

"Only for a little bit." The other soldier told him. "My name is Marlowe Freudenberg. I was in charge of the escort."

"Well, it was a poor job of it...I was able to sneak out from the eyes of the Military Police and put Horse-Face as a decoy." Eren laughed.

"Hey!" Marlowe said angrily. Eren stopped and walked past them.

"Anyway...I have to talk to Annie...see ya!" he said.

"Sure...good-looking." He heard Hitch whispered. But he ignored it. After this...I have to get out of this town, I remember that there is corruption and Trost seems better...

He later arrived to Annie's cell. He saw her sleeping peacefully, but realized that she wasn't chained by her wrist. Her blonde hair was tied like usual but the front was cut off. He could see her whole face completely now. He stood there for a few minutes before knocking on the bars.

"Annie?" Eren called to her but all she did was slightly moved. But she didn't wake up. He knocked again but there was still no response. He then decided to unlock and open the cell door. He locked it behind him and sat beside her bed. He shook her gently.

" What?" Annie groaned as she turns herself around to see him looking at her. "E-Eren!"

"Hey, you alright?" he smiled as she sat up eyes wide.

"W-what did you...what?" she stuttered and Eren began to laugh.

"I never took you as a stuttering person. Man, you really have changed." He laughed.

"So..." she responded with her no emotional expression again.

"And now... the devil face is back." He giggled and Annie began to laugh. "Woah..."

"W-What?" she couldn't stop laughing because of his little joke.

"I...I never heard you laugh before..." Eren said gently. She noticed that it was no joke and she blushed bright pink.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now