Chapter 15 The Basement

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//Mikasa POV//

Mikasa woke up with a start and wondered where she was. But was answered by a groan and an arm squeezing her stomach gently. She looked over her shoulder to see a smiling yet sleeping Eren Jaeger with his arms around her. She then remembered where she was.

That’s right…we’re back in the Shiganshina District, our home. And I…Mikasa giggled in pure happiness. I took the lead! Oh, my god!

“Hmm…” Eren groaned in his sleep. “Mikasa…”

“Hm?” Mikasa slowly got up and looked down at him. He continued sleeping soundly. She smiled and crawled over him, placing her legs beside his stomach. She grabbed the key that were around his neck. She knew that was key to discover something about the Titans. But she was worried what else could be there that can cause problems for Eren. She shook it off and smiled, she cup his cheeks in her hands. She then kissed his forehead and he moved around slowly.

“M-Mikasa…” Eren whispered as he opened his eyes. Mikasa pulled away and sat on his stomach. She knew that she was naked but she didn’t care. In fact, she wanted to see his expression, which was full red face but with a smile to his face. He quickly sat up and wrapped his arms around her. They rolled around until she was under him.

“Wow…Eren…” she said as she looked deep into his green eyes.

“I win…” he smiled and kissed her.

They separated and changed back in their uniform. Though it was safe inside the house, they knew they couldn’t make much noise and traveling in the day was dangerous. But they knew staying in the town was not an option. So after they were ready, they soon walked out in silences. There were no Titans around so they walked up the stairs that led up to the roof and to their surprise…no Titans.

“What…what is going on?” Mikasa asked herself as she looked around. No Titans were in sight.

“W-What?” Eren looked around worried.


“Sorry…” he turned to her with a worried face. “I’m fine with the Titans gone but…deep inside…I wanted to find the Titan that kill my mother. And if they aren’t here…could it be Commander Erwin sent a group to find us? If that’s the case…we have to go back-“

“Eren.” Mikasa grabbed his arm and pulled him towards their house. “We have to get the information or what-so-ever from the basement!”

“But…but…”Eren stopped and sign in defeat. “Alright…let’s do it…but quickly…”

“Turn to Titan, it make things faster.” Mikasa told him and he nodded. He backed up and ran off the roof with a leap. A light shine in his direction and she watch the lightning strike down also. And out of the steam was Eren in his Titan form, he threw his head up and gave one mighty roar. Mikasa covered her ears but kept her eyes open to watch his movements.

Is he in control? Yes…he has to be, this is the first transformation today so he should be in full control…come on, Eren. Mikasa thought as she watched him walked to the boulder. He crouched down and places his hands on the side of the rock and began to lift it up. At first, he couldn’t do it, but then after a few tries. He managed to lift it over his shoulders and threw it away from the crushed house. He quickly looked at their house and began to dig and throw them everywhere. Mikasa just stood there and watched.

Around thirty minutes, he was done and nothing except the floor stood in place of the house. Eren fell over and came out of his Titan form. Mikasa ran down the stairs and caught Eren as he fell off the body of the massive giant. Like always, he was tired and couldn’t stand on his own for a while. They walked over the wooden floor and spotted the stairs that led to the basement. Eren shook her off and slowly walked towards the stairs but Mikasa quickly grabbed him and pulled him away.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now