Chapter 20 Hope?

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(Short but hopefully dramatic for you readers…enjoy!)

//Mikasa POV//

“ALICE, HOLD ON TO ME!” Mikasa instructed her daughter as she continues to stab the Titan’s hand that was holding them. She felt Alice small arms wrap around her neck and hold on, so now Mikasa gave one strong trust into the hand. The Titan flinches and relaxed its hold on them. Mikasa kicked open its grasp and began to climb up the arm.

I just have to get to the shoulder and slide down…but it’s 15 meters high! But if we stay on it, we’ll get grabbed again. I have to least get Alice away to safety! Mikasa thought as she got to its shoulders. But the Titan was attempting to grab them, but couldn’t find them easily. Mikasa lowered Alice off her back and handed her the knife.

“M-Mommy?” Alice looked confused through the fear.

“Use this to slide down and get on the horse…and RUN!” Mikasa told her. “I’ll be right behind you.”

“No!” Alice argued. “We go together!”

“Alice…it’ll be too much weight, and someone has to force it on a position for to be able to slide down.” Mikasa explained quickly as she ducked as the hand swung over her. “Now go!”


“NOW!” Mikasa shouted as she grabbed on the Titan’s hair and took out the blades. She pulled back until she was over its face. She held on the hair and trusts the blade into the eye. It bent down to swing her down…and it worked.

//Eren POV//

Get off me! Mikasa! Alice! Eren shouted in his mind as multiple Titans held on to him, stopping him from rescuing his family as he watched a Titan grab hold of them.

DAMN YOU BASTARDS! He elbowed them off and picked one of the 15 meters Titans over his shoulder and HEAVED it at the large group. I won’t watch them die!

“NOW!” he heard Mikasa shout and he turn around to see her hanging on the Titan’s hair. She stabbed its eye and his attention went to Alice who was sliding off the Titan…she lost her grip of the knife and began to fall 13 meters down.

Alice! Eren sprinted at full speed…as much as he could…but then saw Mikasa falling as well…


Eren…if Alice and I were in any danger at the same time…if it involved only saving one person and not the other one. Promise me that you’ll save Alice instead of me.” Eren remember Mikasa telling him that…

Everything was like in slow motion…memories of his mother dying, Annie dying…soldiers that he was force to watch die. All of it was pouring into his skull; he was forced to make a decision. Save Alice…and let Mikasa, the woman he loved, die…or save Mikasa and let Alice, their daughter…something that brought the two lovers together as a family. Both of their smiles flashed before Eren’s eyes, his human face covered in tears as he reached for her…his Titan arm outstretched. He felt her land softly on his hand and he held her safely on his chest and covering her with his hand.

I got you…Eren opened his hand to see…

”Daddy!” it was Alice, his daughter in his hands. But she wasn’t looking at him; she was looking at the other direction. He looked over to see in the distance to see Mikasa body lying motionless on the grass. Even from far, he can see her eyes closed and blood sliding on her face.

Mikasa…Eren thoughts were interrupted as he saw that same Titan walking over to eat her. MIKASA!

“Mommy-“Eren closed his hand protectively over his daughter and was up in a snap. He ran at full speed and gave one powerful roar as he bit down on the Titan’s neck and forcing it up.

GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER! Eren roared as he lifted the Titan up with his jaws. He gave one strong bite down and it killed his opponent.

“Behind you!” Michael warned him and Eren used the dead Titan at the approaching Titans. He quickly but carefully picked Mikasa’s body up, he look back to see all of the Titans attacking the Armor Titan and Eren took the chance to run.

Mikasa…please…don’t be dead… Eren thought as he places Alice with Mikasa. He ran at full speed…fearing that the Titans were following. But they weren’t…so he stopped after a few minutes pass by. He ripped himself off his Titan form after he placed Alice and Mikasa on the ground.

“Mikasa!” Eren shouted as he struggled to get up straight, he was so tired but he didn’t give as he limped his way to his girlfriend.

“Daddy! Is Mommy breathing?!” Alice shouted as he fell to his knees beside his daughter. He places his finger on Mikasa wrist and felt a pulse.

“She still alive!” Eren cried happily and he shook her gently, trying to wake her up. “Mikasa? Hey…come on…Mikasa…please wake up.”

“…” Alice didn’t say anything. She simply took Mikasa hand in hers.

“Hey…come on, Mikasa…You can’t die on me. You’re still breathing, so please…wake up…” Eren was getting worried.

“uh…E…” he heard a whisper.


“…E…Eren…?” Mikasa slowly opened her eyes and their eyes met. She gave a gentle smile as she struggled to place her hand on his cheek. She couldn’t and her hand dropped. But he took her hand and lifted it slowly to his cheek. She smiled as she wiped a tear off his cheek.

“Mommy…” Alice manage to speak softly but couldn’t as she burst into tears. Mikasa let go of Alice’s hand and unwrapped her scarf and slowly but painfully wrapped it around Alice neck. And then she took Alice’s hands back to hers.

“Alice…thank god you’re safe…” Mikasa brought Alice’s hands to closer and kissed them. She looked back to Eren and smiled. “You kept your promise…”

“Yeah, I did…but…Mikasa-“she stopped him there.

“Thank you…for protecting Alice…keep doing that for now on, ok?” Mikasa eyes began to close.

“Mikasa?” Eren checked her pulse and saw that her heart-beat was slowing down. “Mikasa…come on, don’t give up!”

“I…I love…you…” Mikasa manage to say as she pulled his head down and gently pushed her lips to his. He closed his eyes and felt her cold lips…her breathing then stopped and she dropped lifelessly to the ground.

“Mika…” Eren couldn’t speak for a while. He wrapped his hands over his shoulder and hugged his dead girlfriend.



//Mikasa POV//

“…huh…where am I?” Mikasa opened her eyes to see a bright white light in front of her. She turns around to see darkness…and it scared her.

“Mikasa?” she heard her mother’s voice.

“Mother?” she called out and her mother appeared out of the white light.

“Mikasa…” she saw her father too and Eren’s mother with them.

“It’s ok, Mikasa. You can rest now…you can come with us…” Eren’s mother told her. She raised her hand for Mikasa to grab. And Mikasa was about to do when…

“Mikasa…” she heard Eren’s voice.

“Mommy…” she heard Alice’s voice.

“Eren…Alice…” Mikasa muttered under her breath. She began to cry as she realized she was leaving them. She looked back to the parents and nodded no.

“So you don’t want to?” her mother asked with a smile.

“I can’t do it…” she told them as she backed away and back into the darkness…

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now